EUREKA, CA – On Monday, the California Earthquake Authority (CEA) opened enrollment in a $2 million retrofit program that will provide seismic retrofit services to Humboldt...
Researchers are testing whether plywood can replace concrete in earthquake-prone areas on the US West Coast. Sources 1/ 2/ The mention sources can contact us...
SEATTLE (COMO) — Researchers from the University of Washington in San Diego are conducting seismic tests with the tallest building ever on a shaking table. University...
University of Washington researchers in San Diego conduct earthquake tests with the tallest building on a shake table ever. Sources 1/ 2/ The mention sources...
With weeks left until the start of the legislative session, the construction was intended to stabilize the Oregon State Capitol in the event of an earthquake…...
After a massive 6.4-magnitude earthquake suddenly struck the North Coast on Tuesday, we wondered how ready Norhstate County was for another one from the interior. Sources...
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