How do you better diversify a police force? That’s the question countless departments around the US are facing as pressure to hire more minority officers mounts...
Elon Musk tweeted a video mocking a Twitter closet full of “#StayWoke” clothes. In a since-deleted tweet, Musk called the “hands up, don’t shoot” movement “fiction.”...
A federal investigation is underway as videos filmed by viewers show police officers tying and shooting 37-year-old Alton Sterling at a 37-year-old convenience store. . Sources...
Did Michael Brown steal the grocery store? Why did Darren Wilson turn and kill him? Susan Candiotti reported. . source
U.S. President Joe Biden has announced that he wants to restrict police from receiving military equipment. The 1033 program currently allows local law enforcement to pick...
CNN’s Anderson Cooper spoke to Michael Brady about what he saw in Ferguson’s Michael Brown’s shooting death. . source
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