Despite growing awareness and ongoing multinational efforts, diabetes remains epidemic, with prevalence increasing exponentially and worldwide, according to a new series published in 2016. outweighs most...
Scientists have taken an important step in predicting who will develop type 1 diabetes months before symptoms appear. In a paper published online June 29 in...
A recent study published in the journal cell report medicine Scientists used plasma protein proteomics to identify proteins associated with the development of type 1 diabetes,...
In a recent study published in nutrientsinvestigators evaluated the efficacy of a diabetic diet containing D-allulose in patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D). study: A pilot...
Many people fear the idea of vaccines because of needles, but researchers at the University of Texas at Dallas are working on an alternative, pushing the...
Tirzepatide, a drug approved to treat diabetes and rapidly progressing toward approval as a weight-loss treatment, activates two different mechanisms the body uses to control insulin...
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