Being an astronaut is a job like no other. Of the estimated 100 billion people who have ever lived, only 628 people in human history have...
NASA is suspending all spacewalks on the International Space Station amid decades-old concerns about the safety of spacesuits after water spilled into an astronaut’s helmet while...
CNN’s Jason Sanchez examines the history and evolution of NASA astronauts wearing space suits. Sources 1/ 2/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing...
Yusaku Maezawa, a Japanese billionaire, flew into space on a Russian Soyuz capsule and rocket, launching his first self-funded tourism mission to the International Space Station...
Check out this 360 video shot of the rocket. If you look around, you will see Tim Peake’s family watching the Soybean rockets being carried by...
Retired astronaut Scott Kelly spent 520 days in space during his NASA career. Listen to tips for coping with isolation. #CNN # Comments source
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