Rajasthan: In the early hours of Friday morning, residents of Jaipur were awakened by a series of earthquakes, causing panic and anxiety across the city. The...
Jaipur felt three earthquakes in the early hours of Friday morning in the space of half an hour. The National Center of Seismology (NCS) reports that...
As many as three earthquakes hit Jaipur in Rajasthan in the early hours of Friday in the space of half an hour. The National Center of...
A 4.4-magnitude earthquake hit Jaipur, Dosa and Tonk districts of Rajasthan state Friday morning followed by two tremors, sparking panic even as no loss of life...
The first quake struck Jaipur around 4.10am, the second quake with a magnitude of 3.1 hit at 4.22am and the third with a magnitude of 3.4...
People felt three earthquakes in Jaipur, Rajasthan, in the early hours of Friday. According to the National Center of Seismology (NCS), all three tremors were felt...
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