When 12-year-old Charlie Loverme began choking in his school cafeteria, twin sister Amelia sprang into action, performing the Heimlich maneuver and saving his life. Surveillance video...
What do you think of Rishi Sunak’s plan to make everyone under 18 learn math? He says it will help boost the economy, but his daughters...
At Kanye West’s school you can only eat sushi and wear black, according to two teachers who are suing #kanyewest #ye #dondaacademy #school (Subscribe: ——- Check...
Tennessee Rep. Gloria Johnson joins “CNN This Morning” to discuss the recent ouster of Democratic lawmakers Justin Jones and Justin Pearson. Jones was reinstated to the...
“Break times between meetings can dramatically reduce the viral load in the room, evening out the effectiveness of masks and testing.” Photo/123rf One academic says that...
Four children have been killed by an ax in a kindergarten in Brazil. (Subscribe to: ——- Check out more of our explainer series here – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXjqQf1xYLQ6bu-iixvoFTVsiXQVlVniX...
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