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Covid-19: Longer school days, more breaks could reduce virus spread, academic researchers say

Covid-19: Longer school days, more breaks could reduce virus spread, academic researchers say


“Break times between meetings can dramatically reduce the viral load in the room, evening out the effectiveness of masks and testing.” Photo/123rf

One academic says that adding more school days and more breaks in between can reduce the spread of Covid-19 in classrooms.

A new study reveals that the spread of the virus in crowded spaces can be reduced simply by allowing groups to take frequent breaks, among other strategies such as ventilating rooms and wearing masks. rice field.

Led by Avinash Dixit of Princeton University, PNAS Today, New Zealand epidemiologists say it may help slow the spread of other winter diseases, and it’s well received.

Dr Michael Bourik of Massey University said the findings confirm that the Ministry of Education has been giving schools good advice since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic.Take a break and get some fresh air. take in


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Boulic said the results of the study raised questions about whether the education ministry should lengthen school hours and extend breaks to further reduce the spread of the virus.

“School time can be extended from 9am-3pm to 9am-4pm with more breaks and longer breaks between classes (Proper refreshment of classrooms ),” said Boulic.

Dixit and colleagues Balthazar Espinoza, Zuriu Chiu and Madhav Malate said people should wear masks, take frequent breaks during meetings, be tested for coronavirus beforehand, and be well ventilated. We examined differences between groups in maintaining space.

Additionally, the study found that “rest periods between meetings can dramatically reduce the viral load in the room, evening out the effectiveness of masks and testing.”


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The authors of this study examined three case studies. Student meetings in classrooms, seniors in rest homes, super spreader choir meetings.

Dr Susie Wiles of the University of Auckland said the study showed that a 10- to 15-minute break was as effective in reducing transmission as half the crowd wearing a mask.

“This is because taking a break expels the polluted air from the room forward. [group] Participants will come back,” Wiles said.

“With winter approaching and few people wearing masks anymore, this study highlights how improving ventilation can help prevent transmission from airborne viruses and bacteria,” she said.

Dr Amanda Kvalsvig of the University of Otago said the approach taken in the study could also be applied to New Zealand.

“For example, a bus trip can be modeled as a kind of ‘meeting’ where the duration or group size cannot be easily changed,” she said.

“Strategy to effectively reduce Covid-19 transmission in public spaces may be even more effective in protecting people from a range of other infectious diseases. The approach will be a win-win situation for population health.”




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