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Melatonin Has Been Shown to Reduce Some Mental Health Disorders

Melatonin Has Been Shown to Reduce Some Mental Health Disorders



However, experts remain wary of using unregulated treatments without a clinical evaluation and prescription.

Teenage girl looking sad in bed
International research suggests that melatonin can reduce self-harm in young people, especially adolescent girls suffering from anxiety and depression.

Sleep disturbances have been linked to mental health issues and may increase the risk of self-harm and suicidal behavior, especially in young people.

Based on this association, Recent Swedish research We investigated whether melatonin, a common drug used for sleep disorders, could help reduce the risk of self-harm. However, more research is needed to determine its effects in adults.

In Sweden, melatonin is the most common sleeping pill recommended for children and adolescents, said study co-author and principal investigator Sarah Bergen. I have written In a recently published article promoting research.

Between 2006 and 2013, melatonin was only available by prescription in Sweden. The research team identified more than 25,000 children and adolescents aged 6 to 18 who began using the drug during this period.At the time, approximately 87% had a psychiatric diagnosis, with ADHD being the most common followed by anxiety, depression, and autism spectrum disorders.

Intentional self-harm and addiction were shown to increase just before melatonin was prescribed, but decreased by about half a few months after starting treatment. was particularly prominent among adolescent girls with

“We repeated the analysis by excluding antidepressant users to see if the use of other medications affected the findings, and found the same pattern of results,” Bergen said. writes Mr.

“While this suggests that melatonin may be involved in reducing self-harm, we do not believe that psychotherapy or the use of psychiatric medications other than antidepressants may have influenced the findings.” It cannot be ruled out.”

In Australia, the use of melatonin in children and adolescents with sleep problems on the rise“gummies” are becoming more popular among parents who source them online.

However, experts previous warningCiting limited evidence on long-term quality and safety, about the potential risk of overuse without a prescription. clinically indicated For sleep disorders in children and adolescents within a specific cohort.

“There is very limited evidence regarding its efficacy and safety, and there may be problems associated with it. was told before News GP.

“Although appropriate for use in autism, ADHD, and some developmental disorders, it is not recommended except in these specific populations.”

In 2020, Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) Approved Melatonin (marketed as Slenyto) Autism Spectrum Disorder and/or Smith-Magenis Syndrome, where “sleep hygiene measures were inadequate.” If you are under 55 and have trouble sleeping, you need a prescription.

The TGA does not recommend melatonin for children without the above conditions due to lack of research. according to Professor Sarah Blunden, a clinical sleep psychologist and director of pediatric sleep research at CQ University, says this is because “most children’s sleep problems” are usually treated with behavioral and psychological sleep techniques instead of medication. Because it can be managed.

Professor Branden is one of them. More Experts That Have Come Before Warning against unregulated use, melatonin should always be prescribed by a general practitioner or pediatrician who can monitor progress and side effects.

She says there’svery fewA long-term study of the quality and safety of online-purchased melatonin where the exact quality and amount of melatonin in gummies is unknown.

In recent years, Professor Branden has seen an “exponential increase” in melatonin use among children, sourcing much of it from the United States, where it is freely available without a prescription.

“It’s really dangerous that these children are being given medicines that aren’t adapted for their specific purpose. [to aid sleep] … sometimes not even regulated, [that we don’t] I know what’s in it,’ she said told ABC.

“50-70% of the people I see take melatonin, which is amazing considering five years ago this wasn’t an issue.”

Australian person Guideline status Most children with sleep disorders have “specific causes that should be identified and treated before melatonin is considered an option.”

recognized by other experts GP storage role In identifying and managing anxiety and other mental health disorders in children and determining their benefits proper medication and other interventions.

As for related sleep problems, Dr. Best recognizes that it’s a “common problem” in children, but melatonin is a “quick fix” and should be used with caution.

“Children’s sleep is difficult, but it requires a behavioral approach,” he said. is the role of

Professor Blunden’s comments echo those of Dr. Best, that any drug should be carefully considered before prescribing it to a child, and that melatonin should be avoided online or from other unregulated sources. is.

“The quick fix is ​​very attractive, but it’s not. [help in] We got to the heart of the matter,” she said.

“I don’t know where you came from [if bought online] It should be used with caution as we do not know what the long term effects will be.

A Swedish study found that the “main reason” that melatonin influences the decline in self-harm in adolescents is that people make better decisions when they are well rested.

“By treating the sleep disorders that often accompany anxiety and depression, people may think less about hurting themselves or choose not to act when these thoughts arise. There is a possibility that

The authors found that while sleep interventions such as melatonin appear to reduce the risk of sleep disturbance and associated self-harm in adolescent women with depression and anxiety, prior to starting new medications I conclude that I definitely need to consult a doctor. Prescription.

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children and youth melatonin mental health self harm sleep health




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