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How to capture the Western fashion consumer

How to capture the Western fashion consumer


Fashion is in the era of cowboys. Worn by influential celebrities like Bella Hadid, Beyoncé, Lana Del Ray and Pharrell, the Western aesthetic extends beyond the boots and cowboy hats that were in style last summer and invades denim and loan -to wear for men and women.

The impact of Beyoncé's album “Cowboy Carter” and the single “Levi's Jeans” is evident in the footfall at Levi's stores. Pass_by, an AI-powered geospatial analytics company, reported that Levi's physical visits after the album's release increased by 19.87% compared to the week before the release.

However, more brands and retailers can capitalize on the rodeo aesthetic in its many forms, starting with jeans.

“Jeans remain the commercial backbone of Western looks,” Edited said in a new report.

While there isn't a single feminine cut that's driving the trend, traditional Western silhouettes like the bootcut and flare aren't necessarily where retailers should invest first. Consumers are instead looking for more contemporary cuts.

“Although straight legs remained the most invested area, their year-over-year contribution remained fairly stable next to bootcut and flared,” the retail intelligence firm said. “The largest investment changes were noted in looser fits, with increases of 83 percent and 75 percent respectively for large and loose clothing.”

Recent sales from Zara, J.Crew and H&M have been wide-leg jeans with mid, low and ultra-high rises.

For men, straight fits are a positive as skinny jeans continue to decline. Designer examples of baggy jeans combined with Western style (i.e. Pharrell William's interpretation of the Western for Louis Vuitton Men's) could, however, create new opportunities for wide-leg jeans.

Edited said men's loose shapes received the highest mentions, with 26% of majority sales so far in 2024. “While we expect quantities to be lower for this more directional style, it shows that customers are responding to looser fitting jeans. » said the company.

Beyond jeans, new arrivals of women's denim shirts increased 119% year over year. Seen in Re/Done's new collection with Pamela Anderson and Wrangler's collaboration with Kendra Scott's Yellow Rose, denim shirts have become an alternative to denim jackets or shackets for women.

Oversized fits top bestsellers, but Edited pointed out that shirts with unique details, like H&M's fitted shirt with exaggerated cuffs, are also attracting consumer interest. The majority of the shirts were sold within six days of landing, according to the report.

Creatures of habit, men stick to denim jackets. “Denim jackets saw new options increase 23 percent year-over-year, with a notable increase in zip-up styles, fueling the Americana workwear aesthetic,” Edited said.

fashion statement

Outside of the denim world, Edited pointed to long cotton skirts with ruffles or ruched waistbands, studded Western belts, and men's flannel shirts as items to watch as Western fashion evolves and expands.

New arrivals of flannel are up 64% from 2023. Edited noted that belts are a “well-received business accessories trend that acts as an alternative to the cowboy hat.”

The specific Western details of the fall/winter 2024-2025 show are also intended for commercial appeal.

Edited described Molly Goddard as “the iconic brand of classic Western style, with its rose-embroidered shirts, jeans and polka-dot dresses named the season's directional buys.” Goddard's kitsch knits with Western-style flowers and piping also fit into retro and grandpa clothing trends.

Molly Goddard

For men, piping was used on Kiko Kostadinov's Western shirts and tracksuits, giving the trend a “sportier, sleeker feel,” Edited said.

The vast assortment of suede and chocolate brown in the women's collections is also a nod to country life.

Country law

As with most fashion trends these days, Edited said the Western movement can be divided into six fashion aesthetics or cores. Choosing the right persona for your audience is important for retailers, the company noted.

Coachella headliner Lana Del Ray is the poster child for Coquette Cowgirl, a riff on cottagecore that combines flirtatious details like bows, ribbons and puffed sleeves with prairie dresses and skirts and gingham.

Bella Hadid, who embraced the Texas lifestyle with her boyfriend and professional rider and trainer Adan Banuelos, Rodeo Girl model. The Texas-inspired aesthetic draws inspiration from classic cowgirl fashion like plaid shirts, western belts and indigo denim.

Beyoncé is the face of Rodeo Drive, an aesthetic driven by luxury brands and street style. Leather, denim, suede, cowboy boots, belts and hats are the key pieces.

Beyoncé and Tina Knowles in the front row at Luar

Beyoncé and Tina Knowles in the front row at Luar.

Nina Westervelt/WWD

Bad Bunny is the face of the male version called Mr. Rodeo Drive. The look is based on denim, studs, leather, animal prints and piping.

Cowboy hats and boots also make up Festival Cowgirl, a look that Kim Kardashian sported in January during the Super Bowl. The theme leans towards going out outfits and festival fashion with flared jeans, metallic pieces and coordinated sets.

Pharrell Williams set the standard for Mr. Americana, a sub-trend that focuses on carpenter jeans, denim, cowboy hats, ties and workwear. Williams' fall 2024 men's collection for Louis Vuitton encapsulates this theme.




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