Daniel Khalife, a former British army soldier, has been accused of spying for Iran. Khalif, who escaped from prison while awaiting trial, gathered information and passed...
Ukraine is engaged in a grim future of war, with both sides using remotely operated drones to attack individual soldiers, army positions and other targets with...
On October 7, four hostages kidnapped by Hamas at the Nova music festival were rescued in a daylight raid in central Gaza, as Israeli strikes killed...
Myanmar is in the grip of a civil war, largely overlooked by the outside world, that has killed thousands of people and displaced more than two...
When Israeli special forces rescued two hostages held by Hamas on October 7, 2023, it was a huge relief for their families. Fernando Simon Marman, 60,...
Russia’s imprisoned opposition leader Alexei Navalny has told supporters not to lose the will to resist, after his jail term was extended to 19 years. Mr...
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