The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Boris Johnson has given a press conference to announce that England will enter the second national closure. (Subscribe: Along...
Scottish Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon has set a five-tier system of measures to reduce the spread of coronavirus, which will come into force next month, the...
There is only one way to completely end the coronavirus pandemic: the vaccine. (Subscribe: Shooting that gives the majority of the population immunity can be an...
Prime Minister Boris Johnson provided information about the coronavirus after complying with stricter rules to block large parts of the country. (Subscribe: Johnson is joined by...
Another 1.5 million people will live in England from tomorrow under the most severe coronavirus restrictions, as the whole of Lancashire moves to Level 3 (Subscribe:...
Should the UK be completely closed or should we just protect the weak and keep the young and healthy alive? (Subscribe: Professor Paul McKeigue, a genetic...
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