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A far-right, pro-Russian candidate has taken a surprise turn with more than 99% of the vote counted in the first round of Romania's presidential election, with...
The special prosecutor who brought two major criminal cases against Donald Trump has asked judges to drop both after he wins the 2024 presidential election. Special...
Pakistan's capital, Islamabad, is under lockdown for a second day as thousands of protesters converge on the city demanding the release of former prime minister Imran...
NBEren klimaren azken goi bilera amaitzear dago Azerbaijanen, eta herrialdeek isuriak murrizteko neurri gehiago hartzeko deia egin dute. Mundu mailako erantzunetarako funtsezkoa da Amerika – munduko...
Egyptian authorities say 17 people, including foreigners, are missing and 28 have been rescued after a tourist boat capsized in the Red Sea. Two of the...
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