This photo, taken on January 31, 2024, shows an evacuation center in the town of Anamizu, Ishikawa Prefecture, central Japan. Several people suffered from hypothermia at...
TOKYO (Kyudo) – An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 5.2 struck eastern Japan early Thursday, including Chiba Prefecture and downtown Tokyo, injuring several people, according...
This image from the Japan Meteorological Agency’s website shows the seismic intensity of the August 11, 2022 earthquake. TOKYO (Kyodo) – A series of powerful earthquakes...
Naoshi Hirata, right, Professor Emeritus of the University of Tokyo and chair of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s Seismic Experts Committee, delivers a simulation report to Governor...
Tetsuya Tadano, right, encouraged by the words of atomic bomb survivor Taiko Terami, center of the photo, who lost her younger sister in the bombing of...
From left, Kiaki Takahashi, his son Haruki, daughter Otto and his wife Chiharu are seen in Wakuya Township, Miyagi Prefecture on February 23, 2022 (Mainichi /...
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