8 Must-Have Photoshop Tools for Editing Blog Images in 2021 8 Photoshop Tools for Editing Blog Images: A Quick Guide

Attractive blog images can help your post by providing a short, fun reading break and reinforce the message by making it more accessible.
Photoshop tools for editing blog photos will help you create a graphic image by adding shapes and text that will amaze your readers
Adobe Photoshop – is one of the best photo editing software for PC, which includes advanced tools for improving blog photos instantly. It is simple and convenient, which means that it can be used by both professionals and novice bloggers.
1. Sharpening tool
You can use the Sharpen tool to sharpen the details of your photos. Choose the tool from the toolkit panel and click on the areas of the image that appear blurred or blurry to enhance them, another way to make the image more visible is by applying a filter. In the main menu, choose Filter > Sharpen. This will increase the sharpness across the entire image and will make the edges particularly sharp.
2. Photoshop Actions
If you don’t have time and want to save countless hours of work in Photoshop, take advantage of the actions to remove excessive noise, make a low-light image brighter, or deal with blurry images. Actions can also help adjust white balance, soften tones, and improve the mood of photos. Moreover, you will smoothen and retouch the skin to make your photos more professional with just a few clicks. To properly employ Photoshop actions, start by making sure that the Actions menu is visible. If you can’t see it, click on “Window” and then hit “Actions” in the drop-down menu.
Choose the action you want to apply. Go to the bottom of the Actions menu, select a button with a side triangle, and press Play. Now you simply have to wait for the procedure to be applied. After completing this process, you can enable or disable the new layer containing the action by clicking on the Eyeball icon, and see how the effect has changed your image.
3. Cutting and flattening tools
The Crop Tool allows you to adjust uneven and uneven images, as it also comes with an integrated flattening feature. To align an image, select the Crop Tool and hit the Straighten icon in its tools group. When you select the Crop Tool, you’ll see a small arrow in the corners of the image that you can use to rotate the image. Rotate it until the horizon line is aligned correctly and then trim it to get rid of unwanted areas around the edges.
4. Stain Treatment Brush Tool
This tool heals and erases spots and smudges. Select the Spot Healing Brush and click on the areas you want to clean. If the image contains large areas that you want to clean up, you can increase the brush size at the top of the toolkit panel to finish this task faster.
5. Marquee Tool / Lasso
If you are interested in Photoshop tools for editing and cropping vlog photos in a circle, star, or any fun shape you like, you can use the “Marquee/Lasso” tool to draw a shape and then crop the image. This can be very useful for creating graphics for blog posts or a round profile picture.
6. Noise reduction tool
If you want to reduce noise in Photoshop, you should start by selecting the Noise Reduction filter. If you don’t know where this filter is, go to the filter menu, choose Noise, and then select “Reduce Noise”. In the opened dialog window, you will find a preview area as well as several sliders and parameters that will help you reduce different types of noise.
For example, when applying the Reduce Color Noise slider, drag it slowly to the right so the color noise doesn’t blend into the image as smoothly as possible.
7. Dodge Tool
When you’re dealing with a large amount of shadows or simply want to brighten a specific area of your image that is underexposed, increasing the overall exposure will cause the bright areas to be lost. In such cases, the Dodge tool can be very useful. Pick the Dodge tool from the palette and apply it to the lightly exposed areas to make them brighter. It’s important not to overuse it because otherwise, the image may look “fake” or overly edited. In this case, it is best to find the ideal percentage of exposure adjustment and choose the “Midtones” to ensure that the image looks natural
8. Smudge Tool
Smudge Photoshop tool for editing blog photos spreads color across the image, shifting the pixels of the affected colors. It is similar to the effect of fingers smearing through wet paint. Smudge works by “picking” the color at the beginning of a stroke and then blending it with other colors you drag with your pointer. Choose the Smudge tool, then select the brush type and blend mode in the Parameters panel. Click “Sample from all layers” in the parameter panel to apply the tool using color data from all visible layers. If this parameter is not specified, the Smudge tool will use only the colors from the active layer. Click on the Finger Painting parameter in the panel to smudge the image while using the foreground color at the beginning of each stroke. If this parameter is not enabled, the “Smudge” tool will use the color under the cursor to start each stroke. Now, simply drag the brush across the image to smudge the affected pixels.
This post was last updated on: September 1, 2021
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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