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How to become popular on YouTube

How to become popular on YouTube


YouTube is the most famous platform where you can upload videos. Someone may argue with this and say about TikTok, but now we are talking about a different format. YouTube means filling channels with long videos (at least a few minutes) and less frequent content updates. In recent years, this site has begun to lose its relevance a little, because most users now prefer to scroll through the feed with short videos and cannot concentrate on viewing voluminous information. However, there are still thousands and millions of channels that shoot and post videos on YouTube every day.

How to become popular on YouTube?

In order for a novice author to quickly achieve success on this site now, he usually has to buy YouTube views. Unfortunately, the trend is that all social networks are coming to this. When thousands of new publications appear on a social network every day, users do not have time to follow absolutely all updates. This leads to the fact that it is very difficult for young channels to attract attention and gain fame.

Of course, drawing attention to your channel most often takes a lot of time and money. Without this, it is impossible because you need to constantly create content and publish it, buy ads from large channels, and so on. Advertising on popular channels is very expensive, but it is not a guaranteed way to recruit an audience. Sometimes it happens that subscribers do not show interest in the advertised channel and simply do not follow the link. 

Because of this, many aspiring authors prefer not to spend money on advertising and develop on their own. This is very difficult, because now a new system of automatic algorithms is working on YouTube, which decides whether to raise a video to the top and recommend it to a large number of users. It is not hard to guess that most of the videos do not get the desired effect from the automatic check on the service.

If you shoot not very informative and vivid videos, then it may take you years or decades for at least one of them to get to the top and interest a wide audience. Since users realized that YouTube can be used as a platform for making money, many began to create their own channels and try to make money on it. As a result, it turns out that only the most creative authors make money.

Why is it difficult to become famous now?

YouTube has been around for many years, and during this time, content authors have appeared there on absolutely any topic. For those who want to come to the platform in 2021, it is very difficult to find an area that is not yet occupied by popular content makers. For example, you want to create a channel where you will cover the news of technology and gadgets, talk about the latest products from various technology companies. However, there are already thousands of such channels on YouTube in different languages ​​and with different styles of presenting the information. In this case, you have practically no chance of catching up with them in popularity, if you do not introduce something new and unique.

In addition, the problem is that videos on similar topics are trending now. For example, interview formats have become very popular lately. Noticing this, a huge number of bloggers retrained as interviewers and began to shoot similar videos. At first, this gave them audience growth, but now it has become a routine and they no longer have fresh ideas for this format.

This example shows that content always values the uniqueness and independent development of the channel. If you are trying to be like someone else and get into the popular sphere, then you may get a fast growth of subscribers, but soon their interest in you and this format will disappear. People can watch different videos of the same type for a couple of years, but then they become uninteresting.

What topics are always relevant?

If you still want to start blogging on YouTube and have decided how you will promote it, then you should think about your content. As a rule, the most popular videos are on three topics.

Content for children

This is always relevant because children are born constantly and they need to consume content. Cartoons, creative activities with children and much more have a large number of views on YouTube. If you are well versed in video editing or know how to make cartoons, then you can easily create and publish them on your channel. To do this, you just need a story writer for the video.


From time immemorial, people were worried about the topic of movement around the city and around the world. Now in all developed countries, almost everyone has their own car. The car market is constantly evolving, and there are more and more car enthusiasts. You can talk about the news in the world of cars, open a repair shop, do reviews on supercars, and much more. It all depends on your imagination.


Every day we see news about the emergence of new smartphones, smartwatches, laptops, and other gadgets. When planning repairs in an apartment or house, everyone chooses smart home gadgets to make their life easier. This indicates that the topic of such technologies is very relevant in society and is very popular among all people. On this topic, you can publish news from the world of gadgets, reviews on technology, analyze the economic component of large companies, and much more.

Should you start running your YouTube channel in 2021?

Of course, if you have ambitions to publish interesting and unique content, you should try to create your own channel and promote it. Remember that success is achieved by the one who invests time and energy in his work and does not give up in the face of difficulties. We are sure that after reading this article, you will decide to try to find yourself in this area. 


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