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Windows 11 Upgrade: How to Download Microsoft’s New OS Now


Windows 11 is here and Windows 10 users can download it for free.


Windows 11 was deployed to eligible devices earlier this month as Microsoft released a new operating system in October. 5. Everyone using Windows 10 can upgrade for free if they have a compatible computer, but many are still waiting for the opportunity.

As Microsoft is gradually deploying the OS, the system may not yet prompt for an upgrade. In fact, you may not be able to find the OS when you tell your computer to check for updates. According to Microsoft’s August blog post, the company expects that “all eligible devices will receive a free upgrade to Windows 11 by mid-2022.” Do you want to wait until next year? Read on to see how the Windows 11 Installation Assistant is a shortcut to Windows 11.

If you’re not in a hurry, Windows 11 updates will be pushed to your device at some point in the coming months, when Microsoft data indicates that the device is ready for upgrade. When a new operating system becomes available, the upgrade process will feel like a regular Windows 10 update, as long as the device is compatible and meets the minimum requirements. (If not, Microsoft will provide a workaround, but in that case the installation of Windows 11 will not be supported by the company.)

Read more: Windows 11 Review: Familiar but fresh

However, you can also manually download Windows 11 to see new features such as widgets, snap layouts, virtual desktops, and the new Microsoft Store. The method is explained below. Here’s everything you need to know about Microsoft’s new software before you download it.

There are several different ways to check if your current Windows 10 PC is eligible for a free upgrade to Windows 11. Also, when you buy a new PC, that computer is also eligible for a free upgrade.

If you haven’t updated to Windows 10 yet, don’t worry. There are some tips for downloading Windows 10 for free, but it still works. Now is a good time to switch so that you can prepare your machine for the Windows 11 upgrade. This trick is the same as used to manually upgrade an older machine to Windows 11, but Microsoft does not recommend doing this as it may not be subject to the same updates.

Read more: Everything we know about Android apps in Windows 11

Windows 11 Installation Assistant: How to Download Windows 11 Without Waiting

Some users can download Windows 11 in the same way they get a new version of Windows.[設定]>[更新とセキュリティ]>[Windows更新]Go to[更新の確認]Just click. If available, you’ll see feature updates to Windows 11.[ダウンロードしてインストール]Click.

Again, keep in mind that Windows 11 deployment will be slower. It may take several months before it becomes available on your device. The new PC will be upgraded first and all compatible devices will receive the upgrade by mid-2022, depending on the age and hardware of the device.

If the upgrade isn’t available yet, but you want to upgrade now, you have several options. The best and easiest option is to download the Windows 11 Installation Assistant. After downloading, select Run after to make sure your hardware is compatible. Then agree and install, accept the license terms and start the installation. When the program installation is complete, you will be prompted to restart your computer. Don’t worry, your PC may restart several times during the installation completion process. Keep your PC turned on until everything is done.

If you can’t use Windows 11 Installation Assistant, there are several backup options, but keep in mind that these are more complicated. We strongly recommend that you consider waiting for the update to arrive on your device. If you are sure you want to continue, you can create a Windows 11 installation media or an ISO file. Microsoft Downloads Windows 11 page has more details on these steps.

Windows 11 contents

Windows 11 features a streamlined new design with pastel colors, rounded corners, a new startup sound, and an overall Mac-like look. Windows[スタート]The menu has moved from the bottom left of the screen to the center, and the app icon has been placed in the center of the side of the screen. You’ll find many new desktop tools, such as widgets that can provide you with at-a-glance information and create easier virtual desktops. Also, Android apps are integrated into Windows and can be installed from the Microsoft Store, but their features aren’t immediately available. (Check out all the best features of Windows 11 and how to use them.)

Currently playing: Watch this: Windows 11: Hands-on for early builds


This update is the first major change to Microsoft’s operating system since the release of Windows 10 in 2015. Rumors have spread over the past year about a major redesign of Windows. At the Microsoft Build Developers Conference on May 25, CEO Satya Nadella said Microsoft plans to “one of the most important Windows updates in the last decade,” with 1.3 billion operating systems in 2021. We have confirmed that a major change is imminent for our users. .. And in mid-June, Microsoft quietly announced that it would end support for Windows 10 released in 2025 for Windows 11 spread.

For more information, check out everything you wanted to see in Windows 11 but didn’t, and all the big differences between Windows 10 and Windows 11.

Currently playing: Watch this: 7 ways to take screenshots on Windows 11


Stay up to date with the latest Microsoft News, as well as reviews and advice on Windows PCs.

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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