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Apple hits Facebook with a staggering $ 10 billion

Apple hits Facebook with a staggering $ 10 billion


The true cost of Apple’s new iPhone features is becoming apparent and unattractive to data-intensive social media companies such as Facebook. This week, the Apple App Tracking Transparency (ATT) feature, which reduces the ability to track you on the iPhone by asking for explicit permission, will cost social media companies $ 10 billion in revenue later this year. Because it became clear.

The numbers come from a report by the respected British newspaper Financial Times, which states that the loss of revenue is due to the fact that most iPhone users say no to tracking by companies such as Facebook. This makes it difficult for advertisers to get stuck without an advertiser’s identifier (IDFA) and target Apple users.

For this reason, advertisers who typically target iPhone users using Snap, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube are now bringing their business to Android and even to Apple’s own advertising business elsewhere.

According to the Financial Times, Apple’s decision to change iPhone privacy settings has shaken the advertising business of Snap, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube with new rules, evaporating an estimated $ 9.85 billion in revenue in the second half of this year. ..

One of the sources cited was Mike Woosley, Chief Operating Officer of Lotame. He quoted an example of a men’s underwear brand. In the past, it had won one customer for every $ 5 ad that targeted 1,000 men.

Now, to get 1,000 men, you have to show them to 2,000. Suddenly, you don’t know who is a man and who is a woman. And you still only have $ 5 for those 2,000 impressions. Therefore, the acquisition cost is doubled and the yield lost is 50%.

According to Woosley, this is driving advertisers away from Facebook. And in fact, TikTok is very popular because it costs far less than the cost per 1,000 impressions.

Apples App Tracking Transparency feature that reduces the ability to track you on your iPhone … [+] If you ask for explicit permission, social media companies will lose $ 10 billion in revenue in the second half of this year.


Jake Moore, cyber security specialist at ESET, said the ease with which companies such as Facebook can specifically target users will shock most people. Apple is struggling to stop tracking, but he points out: This comes with unavoidable costs, but what are the costs of our personal data?

Just because it’s more difficult to quantify our sensitive information doesn’t mean it’s that important. Companies need to find new ethical ways to target their customers without being disturbed by their approach.

Apple vs Facebook via iPhone Privacy

Facebook has already talked about how ATT affected its ability to measure advertising campaigns. And there is no doubt about it. ApplesATT is certainly popular, and for privacy-conscious people, it’s no surprise that many are opting out of tracking across apps and services. However, the privacy features of the iPhone are not exhaustive for tracking on the iPhone, as it has become clear that it can be tracked in other ways as well.

Still, this new feature has ruined Facebook. Social networks haven’t had much of an impact yet, but have warned about the impact on revenue, and the company talked about how Apple thinks it’s trying to boost its business. Sir Nick Clegg, Head of Global Issues for Meta (Facebook’s parent’s new name), said at a Web Summit meeting in Lisbon this week: An operating system for tilting the scale to your advantage.

Even if this is true, Apple’s iPhone privacy feature is good. People are starting to care about their privacy and are becoming more and more aware of the data tracking performed by Facebook and others. They say no to it, and of course it is. As long as you’re careful to say no to Apple’s own data collection, finer control over iPhone privacy benefits both sides.




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