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CoD Vanguard Cast | Dominic Monaghan, Laura Bailey and other actors

CoD Vanguard Cast | Dominic Monaghan, Laura Bailey and other actors


Call of Duty: Vanguard Cast includes some prominent actors who are certainly well-known among gamers (especially famous for playing Abbey in The Last of Us Part II). The new CoD game also features Lord of the Rings star Dominic Monaghan. An important villain!

Monaghan, who plays a Nazi officer named Janic Richter in a World War II-themed Vanguard, is best known for playing Merry Brandybuck in the LotR movie. But he is also very famous for his turn in Lost (he played Charlie) and the origin of the X-Men: Wolverine (he played a light bulb-loving mutant named Bolt).

And unless you blink and miss it, you might have seen Monahan at the rise of Star Wars: The Skywalker, where he played a background member of the Resistance named Beaumont. But it’s certainly amazing to see Monahan appear in CoD Vanguard! Read on to hear what he said about joining the franchise.

Call of Duty Vanguard Cast: His Villain Actor Dominic Monaghan

Dominic Monaghan (Roy Roclin / Getty Images, SD)

Modern Warfare was my first foray into the world and I played a lot of multiplayer and really enjoyed it, Monahan said in an interview with And from there, obviously, I was always looking for the Call of Duty franchise to come and go. I really enjoyed playing Black Ops. I played some zombie modes. Oh yeah, it’s a game monster. The franchise monster.

Monaghan went on to describe his personality, Janic Richter, as a very anxious and delusional man who was chosen and believed to have been bullied in other types of military careers. I consider myself a kind of wealthy person. board member. And he is very enthusiastic about maintaining that position.

He is obviously a little sadist. He enjoys torturing people and hurting people, and perhaps because he is scared and anxious about his position in his own way. It’s fun to play someone I hate, or someone who is so simple that it’s evil and annoying. His motive is very basic. He wants to hurt people. He harms people and enjoys being sneaky and awkward. And such fun.

Monaghan also said that players will meet Janick at a very interesting time in his life, and at a very interesting time in the history of the Nazis of World War II. When the game starts, you’ll get the impression that they’re not too far from winning the war. And as the game progresses, they clearly receive different information about where they are in the World War II story.

Who else is the Call of Duty Vanguard Cast?

Laura Bailey plays Polina Petrois in the Call of Duty Vanguard Cast.Activision

If you’re wondering who else can see or hear in the CoD Vanguards story-driven campaign, you can check out the entire Call of Duty: Vanguard cast list here.

Dominic Monaghan, Janic Richter, Laura Bailey, Polina Petrois, Chik Okonkuwo, Arthur Kingsley, Martin Copping, Lucas Riggs, Derrek Phillips, Wade Jackson, Ron Bottitta, Butcher Steven Brand, Henry Baker, Max Deacon, Tommy Jones, Nikolai Nikolaev, Des Ray Proscia, Steiner Christopher Riva Smateo

Dominic Monaghan is certainly the most famous person in the Call of Duty Vanguard cast. However, as mentioned above, the game not only includes members of the video game that plays the royal family in the form of Laura Bailey, but also plays Abbey in The Last of Us Part 2. She has various Marvel projects (Marvel’s Avengers Games and Marvel Future Revolution).

Bailey, who plays a Ukrainian sniper named Polina Petrois in Vanguard, also appeared on the virtual stage of Gamescom 2021 to promote her work in the game. You can see the clip again. This will allow you to see the Call of Duty: Vanguard campaign for the first time.

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