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Former White House, Senate staff leads cloud-based technology group

Former White House, Senate staff leads cloud-based technology group


The next director of the Alliance for Digital Innovation will advocate for smart cyber and supply chain security policies and plan to continue advocating for the organization’s consistently funded Technology Modernization Fund.

ADI today announced Ross Nodurft as its new Executive Director. He will replace Matthew Cornelius, who left ADI in June to join Senator Gary Peters (Democratic Party) as a senior professional staff member.

During the pandemic, Noderft said the alliance will play an important role in future public policy development, as many members of the cloud-based technology sector have made significant contributions to government missions.

In an interview, Nodurft saw a move towards a more digital public sector experience. And I think we’ve made positive progress in the last few years, but I don’t look back. It doesn’t mean that people who need to work in a pandemic or at home, or who need to interact with government from a virtual environment, will retreat.

ADI describes its position as an association of commercial enterprises that support the formation of government innovation.

The organization is chaired by John Wood, CEO of Telos, an IT and cyber security contractor. The board of directors includes representatives of companies such as Amazon Web Services, Google, Salesforce, VMWare, Splunk, Zscaler, and Palantir.

Nodurft joined ADI about three years later as Senior Director of Venable’s Cybersecurity Services. From 2015 to 2017, he was the head of the cyber team at the White House’s Office of Management and Budget. He also served in the Senate from 2013 to 2014, including senior policy advisers up to Sen at the time. Mary Landrew (D-La.) Chaired the Homeland Security Budget Subcommittee.

ADI has been a big boost to the Technology Modernization Fund, which received $ 1 billion through the American Rescue Plan earlier this year. The fund could also get an additional $ 250 million from the Build Back Better project currently under discussion in Congress.

With financial support, the agency has submitted over 100 proposals. In September, the TMF Board announced six awards worth approximately $ 331 million to four institutions and a seventh classified award without funding disclosure.

According to Nodurft, I think we really need to make sure that TMF is well funded and well staffed to do so. But it also means that people are stationed to understand the role that modern cloud-based technology plays in actually driving some missions in a meaningful way.

Nodurft also said the alliance advocates smart cybersecurity policies, practices and programs that break away from the security enhancements that occurred 10 to 15 years ago.

The Biden administration has focused on the security of the information and communications technology supply chain since the Trump administration. The Department of Commerce is currently producing a report on the ICT supply chain, due out in February.

Nodruft said ADI supports supply chain security, but wants to ensure that security policies do not prevent governments from adopting commercial technology.

ADI intends to ensure that from a supply chain security perspective, we are doing what we really need, and at the same time, doing what we need to accelerate their acquisition. I think. Technology, he said. I think you can chew gum at the same time you walk.




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