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What is the best Halo Infinite Gun and why is it a pistol?

What is the best Halo Infinite Gun and why is it a pistol?


I’m not very familiar with the Halo series, but I already like the approach to balancing weapons. From what I can say, it looks like this: you start with pretty good guns, the number of really powerful guns you can pick up around the map is limited, and you have those If you don’t like any of the options it’s a better weapon tied to your waist.

Halo Infinite’s default sidearm, the MK50 Sidekick, is a godless murder machine. After some basic testing, it seems to kill faster than the standard MA40 assault rifle, but thanks to its high accuracy and almost non-existent recoil, it can also be used at longer distances. Playing on your PC with your mouse and keyboard feels like a semi-automatic sniper. You can’t beat one-shot weapons like the M41 SPNKR rocket launcher or S7 sniper rifle in a battle, but you’re competitive with almost every other gun in the game.

Too many multiplayer games treat the default pistol like a finisher weapon. This is defeated when the enemy is just a short distance from the Pearl Gate, but 343 Industries has placed Sidekick in the arena at the same level as Halo Infinite’s rest of the weapons.

It’s a great balance. Every gun in the game has its own niche offering. Also, like Needler and Cindershot, there are a lot of flavor picks in the mix, but they always spawn with more backup than they can compete in every situation.

It’s also beautiful and simple, symbolizing Halo Infinite’s position in all multiplayer FPS games. Call of Duty: To expect great wins in multiplayer matches with Vanguard, shatter for dozens of hours to get the best guns, the best perks, and all the right attachments to launch. is needed. Also, some guns have 10 mounting slots. Ten.

This doesn’t just take time. You need to use a specific weapon to polish the attachment. Therefore, if you need the best Volk loadouts, it’s a good idea to be prepared to use inefficient incarnations 20 hours in advance. Halo Infinite definitely has a problem with progress system delays. After 10 hours, you rarely reach Tier 2 on the Battle Pass, but at least all the best guns and vehicles are available from the start.

While longtime fans of the series have definitely known that pistols are always great in Halo multiplayer, they have made a real impact of nostalgia on old multiplayer shooters. Infinite’s “best gun is what you have” balance philosophy feels like a breath of fresh air after years of dirty progression systems, and that’s what I’m a tearlist or YouTube Rest assured that you don’t have to start the troll decorated with the thumbnails of “OP” and “soBROKEN” to understand why I’m losing the shootout. If I have the best gun on my waist and now I’m eliminated, I know it’s because I suck.

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