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Israeli company advances vehicle technology after testing in peach tree corner

Israeli company advances vehicle technology after testing in peach tree corner


Brodmann17’s combines software and sensors to provide advanced driver assistance systems that require less computing power. In other words, it consumes less energy and space.

Israeli companies are taking the next step in commercializing driving assistance technology, thanks to their collaboration with Peachtree Corners, a city known for its smart city technology living labs.

Peachtree Corners is home to the Curiosity Lab, an innovation center that connects test sites for 5G self-driving cars to the country using public roads, seeking that its technology actually works outside the scope of the institute. We welcome companies from all over the world.

The Israeli company Brodmann17 claims to have created software-only perceptual technology for driver assistance, reducing the computing power and space required for driver assistance systems. The software is said to work on any CPU and has been tested at Peachtree Corners, a city-level 3 self-driving car based on the Ford Edge. (Level 3 autonomy means that the vehicle can use environmental sensors and artificial intelligence to make its own decisions and actually drive, but to override the system in the event of a problem, A vigilant person must be present.)

Building on this momentum, Brodmann 17 joins Seattle’s 5G Open Innovation Lab and celebrates its work with Peachtree Corners to facilitate referrals to key partners.

Adi Pinhas, Co-Founder and CEO of Brodmann17, said: β€œIn addition, by participating in 5GOIL and Peachtree Corners, we were able to build valuable relationships with partners such as T-Mobile that help us with our long-term business goals.

CuriosityLab now has strong executives from Israeli companies in key areas such as using the technology in Peachtree Corners, from cybersecurity company Cyber ​​2.0 to Dynamics to ZenCity, a real-time feedback monitoring solution. increase.

“Brodmann 17 is a perfect example of our commitment to working with talented deep learning engineers to prove and extend technology in real-world smart cities. The work Brodmann 17 has done here has an impact on the world. Given, North American manufacturers are now looking to leverage (advanced driver assistance systems) in future vehicles, says Assistant City Manager Brandon Branham.

Tel Aviv-based Brodmann 17 is reported to have raised $ 11 million in 2019. Find out more about the company in this TechCrunch article.

Learn more about the city’s partnership with Israel in this sponsored Global Atlanta article: How Israeli innovation can help fuel the smart cities of Georgia




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