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Does the game need to adopt NFT?Both sides of the discussion will be heavy

Does the game need to adopt NFT?Both sides of the discussion will be heavy



Originally what caught my eye was the frequency of the three small letters in my Twitter feed. “NFT” I didn’t know what it was or what it meant, but it was everywhere. Within a few days, half of my feed was kowtowed at the feet of this new technology or, as we know it, signaled it as the end of civilized society.

Between praise and criticism, I still couldn’t figure out exactly what that meant. My Twitter feed is almost entirely made up of game designers, journalists, and other people next to the game, so I’ve found that the game needs some importance. Knowing exactly what that meant took me to an Odyssey of promises, accusations, and completely too much money.

NFTs have become a hot button topic in the last few months, largely due to the promise of many prominent gaming companies to incorporate them into games and IP as a whole, and the resulting fan backlash. To understand exactly what they are, who they are aiming for, and how they portray the future of the game, I have done a lot of research and supporters on both sides of the crypto spectrum. I talked to you.

NFT and its controversy

NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, are usually digital and unique items that cannot be replaced by anything else. This lack of alternatives, on the surface, gives them their value: each is unique. NFTs are purchased in cryptocurrencies like Ethereum and stored on the blockchain. They can be almost all digital, but often take the form of art, music, video, GIF, or tweets.

Examples of games include properties in virtual space such as the “user-generated world” of the sandbox, and videos and art sold by Konami as part of the 35th anniversary of Castlevania. In essence, when you buy an NFT using cryptocurrencies, you buy a receipt that shows that you own certain media.

“NFTs are receipts. Game developer and critic Doc Burford told Digital Trends in an email interview.”[NFTs are] A receipt stating, “You own this, but it is not legally enforceable and you do not have the right to use it as well as your own property.”

Another notable issue with NFTs is their impact on ecosystems. Blockchain technology typically uses energy to process transactions. In short, simple NFT sales can have an impact on the environment. As a result, many artists avoid technology altogether.

“As more mainstream companies begin to implement blockchain technology, more companies are getting more information and becoming aware of the dangers … to minimize carbon dioxide emissions. It will be interesting to see how a better process is developed, “e-sports writer and content creator Crystal Mills told Digital Trends. “Large companies are also some of the biggest perpetrators of climate change and should not be ignored,” she said.

Ethereum has long promised to switch to a more environmentally friendly “proof of stake” security system to combat emissions, but that hasn’t happened yet. The problem is that Ethereum is a public blockchain. In other words, the entire system must “agree” to change from an existing system to a proof of stake. Otherwise, everything will collapse and it will be difficult to adopt as wide a range of changes as a brand new security system.

Player as an investor

So what does this have to do with the game? It’s a fair amount due to recent announcements from several different game developers and publishers. After seeing the apparent success of many early NFTs, gaming companies want to invest in this trend. NFT announcements are especially common among old guard developers such as Square Enix and Konami.

Square Enix, who already owns a FINAL FANTASY XIV dollar box, is interested in creating an NFT with “true value”. (Burford argues that “you can’t create an NFT that most people can buy, and you can’t make an NFT ridiculously valuable,”) and Konami celebrates the 35th anniversary of the franchise. For sale of various videos and artwork of old Castlevania titles. It’s clear that it’s much better to have a new title in the series than to have a themed NFT collection.

“As more mainstream enterprises begin to implement blockchain technology, more enterprises are getting more information and becoming aware of the dangers.”

Other companies are retreating the intention of combining NFTs with games. Following a huge backlash from fans, Sega stepped back from the pursuit of NFTs and said they wouldn’t use NFTs given that they were using them solely for profit. GSC Game World, the developer of the STALKER series, initially announced plans to allow players to purchase the ability to participate in the game as a character they cannot play. After the fans shouted, GSC Game World initially defended the plan, but eventually threw everything out of the window.

It’s clear that many gamers don’t want the NFTs they’ve dreamed of. What can this technology be used for in the future that players are interested in? According to a VentureBeat article earlier last year, some crypto evangelists and investors will spend money on something in-game that can be resold or elicited investment value when a player decides to stop playing the game. I believe I’m willing to spend.

The goal for some is to allow players to make money with businesses within the “walled garden” ecosystem. “The idea of ​​getting something digitally in-game and quickly becoming an asset outside the game is really exciting,” Mills said. “We are now [NFTs’] Potential. “It’s great to actually make money while playing video games,” she said.

One of the common ideas for NFTs in games is to buy assets such as weapons and character skins that can be transferred between games even if one game shuts down the server or becomes unsupported. Another idea is the unique record of the game, described as “emotional memory” in the VentureBeat article. At the end of the game playthrough, players can purchase an NFT to show what they have done in the game and display their own path to completion. It is only valuable to those who have played the game.

Developer as an unwilling party

Players aren’t the only ones hesitant or hostile about the potential for NFTs in a company’s game repertoire. Some game developers warn players and businesses about the difficulty of incorporating blockchain technology into their games.

“Insert profit motivation into the game, overturning all the other fun, fear, compassion, and curiosity in the game, saying,” You can make money, so you have to play this. “You make [it] Burford talks about NFT investment in games and cryptocurrencies. He describes himself as a developer who likes to “create emotional experiences” for players. On his personal Medium page, he wrote a series of articles on why he refused to include cryptographic elements in his title.

He uses examples of weapons and armor previously raised by some crypto enthusiasts. Even if you own something that you own, such as a particular virtual gun or sword, the player will feel sick if the weapon’s power is reduced or tweaked during normal game balance. I am worried that it may be. Should players be able to keep their purchased weapons in their original condition? This can lead to major balance and gameplay issues in the future.

“Connecting yourself to a particular technology only limits your creativity.”

Burford also explains that NFTs that can be transferred between games limit the types of games developers can create. If players purchase the same transferable items as NFTs, such as weapons and armor, they are expected to be able to bring those items into future games. If the studio plans to create different types of games or experiment with genres, the permanent ownership of NFTs and items makes it much more difficult to do, due to player expectations. Become. NFTs make player-focused design much more difficult.

Despite these statements, Mills believes that there is real potential for NFTs and cryptography in the game. She suggested potential uses, especially in MMOs, and I can see how it works. Some ideas I can come up with in my head are unique cosmetics, weapons, or even experiences. However, all of these assets are costly to the developer. As a developer myself, it’s unattractive to think of devoting my time and energy to what only one player sees and uses.

Who is right?

After doing all this research and analyzing these interviews, it’s still unclear what to think about NFTs and encryption across the game. This is evidence of the incredibly mixed messaging that surrounds technology. “We are at the forefront of major innovation,” Mills said in an NFT, but Burford argues that “chaining ourselves to a particular technology only limits your creativity.” To do. Despite the controversy, NFT machines seem to be moving forward with all their might, and every month more companies announce their intention to enter space.

Ultimately, individual players will need to investigate and consider the pros and cons of potential NFT and blockchain integration into the game. What is clear is that the company’s current development, use, and promotion of NFTs is not working. If companies can find ways to create unique experiences and opportunities that are only accessible through NFTs, players can slowly get used to their presence, as it happened with DLC.

But if the company keeps ignoring fans in the name of profit, or “working on NFT options in an unacceptable way,” in Mills’ words, integration can be much slower or never happen. .. Players are sure they can hear their voice, and some companies are listening. We’re still not sure how games and non-fungible tokens will interact in the coming months and years, but there’s one thing for sure. The acronym “NFT” seems to remain in my Twitter feed for the foreseeable future.

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