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How to remove personal information from Google search

How to remove personal information from Google search


Personally identifiable information (PII) is not sacred to search engines. At least not. Over the years, Google and its parent company, Alphabet, have accepted that many people simply don’t want to be found by searching. Some new legislation has helped move businesses in that direction. At times, users demanded overwhelmingly superior privacy tools. So Google started to forgive (opens in a new window). It doesn’t hurt to appear to be more privacy-focused than your competitors. This isn’t difficult to do when you’re against Facebook (opens in a new window).

Recently, Google has added a privacy repertoire by allowing you to send requests to remove addresses (both physical and email) and phone numbers from potential search results. You can request this (with a few exceptions) without proving that the data floating there is problematic. This is a big step for search engines.

The above PII has been added to the existing features that limit exposure to the following Google results:

National ID number

Bank accounts

credit card number

Personal signature

Login information and credentials

Medical records

“Unrelated pornography” (that is, explicit content somehow associated with your name)

Deepfake porn that you may appear against your will.

If you’re afraid of doxxed (opens in a new window), Google may even remove your expert contact information.

That’s all great news, but how do you get Google to remove the problematic PII?

Eventually, you’ll be able to do that within the Google app. An image that you can search for a phone number and see in the results, then click the three-dot menu next to the results to ask for deletion. Google says this will happen in the coming months. Before that, we need to do a little more work.

Tweet (opens in new window) Manual request

The first stop is this Google Search Help page (which opens in a new window). This page provides an overview of the above options, but also a direct link to this form: Request Google to remove your personal information (opens in a new window).

The option is to remove the information that appears in the search results, or to prevent the information from appearing completely in the search. If you need the latter and own a website that contains information you don’t want to see, Google details how to block URLs or specific site pages from Google search results. This includes robots.txt files (opens in a new window), meta tags (opens in a new window), and password protected page files (opens in a new window).

To remove information, you need to know if it appears only in Google search results or on a different website than the results. In the latter case, Google may not be in control of what is there and asks if you first contacted the site owner to remove the information. We also suggest ways to contact the site.

Maybe you don’t want to get in touch with the site or you have already tried. Google asks a series of questions, such as the type of information you want to delete. If possible, narrow down to a specific one. You will also be asked if the content is shared with the intent of doxxing (opens in a new window). This is when someone is sharing PII with the intention of harming you. You may have to enter a lot of data, but the more details you provide, the less likely Google will have to follow up before removing PII in your search results.

According to Google, if you see PII on a live page you manage and you have already updated PII to remove the information, it should eventually be removed, but the page may be cached. I have. That’s when you request that the old web page be deleted (opens in a new window). The page requires a specific URL. You can submit up to 1,000 URLs in the form.

You can also request the removal of old images found on also need to copy the URL of each image (if you’re using the Chrome browser, right click[画像アドレスのコピー]Choose).

Then you will receive an email confirming that your request has passed. (If not, try again.) Google will review your request and collect more information if necessary. Finally, you will receive an action notification.

Recommendations from the editor

Keep in mind that requests are not always granted. Google’s announcement (which opens in a new window) is cautious. “Once we receive a removal request, we evaluate all the content on the web page to make sure it doesn’t limit the availability of other widely useful information, such as news. Articles.” Deleting it does not remove it from the first web page displayed.

Beware of illegal things

Sometimes you don’t just want to delete your personal data. Search results show what is actually illegal, for example, potentially criminal content or infringement of intellectual property rights. In that case, you can make a request by accessing Google’s legal reason report content at / legal (opens in a new window). Google has the whole video about it.

Other search engines

What is the PII removal policy on other search engines?

When using DuckDuckGo, which boasts privacy, the only way is to use email. [email protected] I hope that the PII you want to remove is subject to privacy law. There is no response from the company.

Microsoft’s Bing appears to be restricted from sending page deletion requests (opens in a new window), but only for pages that are no longer published online. This is primarily for webmasters. Ultimately, Bing expects to visit the website that first published PII, do all the tedious work, and then try the page delete request.

You never see

Scrubbing a search engine with a digital footprint is not the same as removing it from the internet. The search engine did not disclose the information. I got the data from another source and created an index. And they could rob it again from another source.

Search engine results will not be completely lost unless you remove all your traces and take them completely offline. You can always try out services such as Abine’s Delete Me and IDX Privacy’s Forget Me features. These services do what you can to prevent the data broker from using the information (subscription fees are required).

However, unless you delete all your old email accounts, stop using mobile apps and location services, quit social media, stop online shopping, and sign in again, what some entities will tell you I have a You can also appeal to delete the data, but that could probably lead to the Streisand effect (opens in a new window). This effect makes it easier to find if you try to hide something. That said, while listening to Babs singing “The Way We Were,” there are some tips that can help you disappear almost completely from the Internet.

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