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Who is Eunice Newton Foote and why is Google celebrating her birthday with a graffiti slideshow?

Who is Eunice Newton Foote and why is Google celebrating her birthday with a graffiti slideshow?



Google Doodle: Multinational tech giant Google celebrates Eunice Newton Foote’s 204th birthday with a stunning slideshow doodle. She was the first scientist to come to the conclusion that some gases heat up when exposed to sunlight, and that increasing amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) can change atmospheric temperatures and affect climate. was. This phenomenon is now known as the “greenhouse effect”.

Today’s #GoogleDoodle honors American scientist and women’s rights activist Eunice Newton Foote.

Swipe through the slideshow to learn how her scientific findings laid the foundation for our understanding of climate change today >

Google Doodles (@GoogleDoodles) July 17, 2023

Foote was born on July 17, 1819 in Goshen, Connecticut, USA. An American scientist, inventor, and advocate for women’s rights, she grew up in a time when opportunities for women to participate in scientific education and activities were limited, but she nevertheless pursued her passion for science. bottom. According to the official Google Doodle website, women were widely shunned from the scientific community at the time. Still, Foote conducted his own experiments. After placing a mercury thermometer inside a glass cylinder, she found that cylinders containing carbon dioxide experienced the most pronounced heating effect in the sun. She Foote eventually became the first scientist to unravel the relationship between rising carbon dioxide levels and atmospheric warming.


In 1856 Foote conducted a series of experiments to study the effects of various gases on the absorption of heat from the sun. She filled glass cylinders with various gases, such as carbon dioxide and air, and exposed them to sunlight. Foote observed that a cylinder filled with carbon dioxide retains more heat than a cylinder filled with air. She concluded that carbon dioxide has the ability to trap heat and raise the temperature of the air around it, identifying a fundamental principle of the greenhouse effect.

Foote began experimenting with static electricity in 1857, which she called “electrical excitation”. The purpose of the investigation was to determine the amount of moisture present and which gases in the atmosphere can cause static electricity.

Eunice Foote and her husband Elisha were innovators. In 1860, Eunice applied for a patent in her own name for a one-piece vulcanized rubber shoe and boot insert intended to “prevent the squeak of her boot and shoe.” Emporia Her News published an article about her strapless skates in 1868. She also invented a completely new cylindrical paper machine in 1864.

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Awards and recognition

Elizabeth Cady Stanton’s neighbor and friend of Eunice Foote took her to the 1848 Seneca Falls convention, the first rally for women’s rights. Foote and her husband Elisha signed the convention’s declaration of sentiment as members of the editorial board. The document’s author, Stanton, sought not only social and legal rights equal to those enjoyed by men, but also the right to vote. Along with Stanton, Elizabeth McClintock, Mary Ann McClintock, and Amy Post, Foote was one of five women who prepared the proceedings for publication.

Foote’s work was presented to the American Association for Scientific Advances (AAAS) in 1856 in a paper entitled “Conditions Affecting the Heat of the Sun’s Rays.” However, her work was not widely recognized because of the social and gender biases that were prevalent at the time. Her discoveries were never published in scientific journals and, as a result, were never widely disseminated.


Eunice Newton Foote died in 1888, but in recent years her story has been rediscovered and recognized, further recognizing her significant contributions to climate science. She reminds us of the often overlooked contributions of women scientists throughout history.

Despite her unappreciated contributions, Foote remained committed to her scientific pursuits. She was a member of various scientific societies and was an active participant in the women’s rights movement. Her pioneering experiments on Foote’s greenhouse effect laid the foundation for future research in climate science, which has become increasingly important in understanding the Earth’s changing climate patterns.

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