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Innovation can benefit much from equity and inclusion

Innovation can benefit much from equity and inclusion


Considering the numbers and results of the McKinsey study, we can conclude that no real profitability has been realized.

The importance and profitability of diversity is already well known by companies. In 2019, companies in the top quartile of gender diversity on their executive teams were more likely to have above-average profitability than those in the fourth quarter, according to research conducted by McKinsey & Company. It was 25% more expensive.

However, when looking at diversity in the patent field, a report published by the World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO) shows that women out of all inventors listed on Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) applications in 2021 accounted for only 16.5%. Looking at the world's geographic regions, Latin America and the Caribbean fared slightly better (22.9%) with the highest proportion of female PCT inventors, followed by Asia (17.3%) and North America (16.4%). ), Europe (14.8%). %), Oceania (14.1%), and Africa (12.3%). Still, these numbers are far from ideal.

Unfortunately, inventors are not the only ones affected by the lack of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the patent environment. While there are no global numbers for patent attorneys and agents, data from the American Bar Association shows that in the United States, only 22% of registered patent attorneys and attorneys are women, and 6.5% are racially diverse. Only. Only 1.7% of registered patent attorneys and patent attorneys are racially diverse women.

Considering the numbers and results of the McKinsey study, we can conclude that no real profitability has been realized. It is important to note that McKinsey's research focuses on gender diversity and ethnic and cultural diversity in corporate leadership, and does not reflect all diversity. Therefore, companies are more likely to benefit from broader diversity efforts.

Global efforts

In 2021, several companies launched new initiatives based on the growing awareness of the relevance of diversity in innovation. Dubbed the Diversity Pledge, this included a commitment to understanding and addressing the issue of underrepresented inventors. This was an example of his Increasing Diversity in Innovation (IDII) work, in which companies are pledged with the support of law firms and non-tech companies. IDII, in collaboration with the U.S. Intellectual Property Alliance and the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), will hold its second annual conference in August 2023 through the Council on Inclusive Innovation, CI2, to advance diversity and equity. We discussed best practices in the profession. , Inclusion and Accessibility in the Innovation and Inventorship Ecosystem (DEIA).

In 2021, major technology companies concerned about diversity in innovation, including Meta, Google, and Microsoft, also joined Advancing Diversity Across Patent Teams, a group focused on improving diversity, equity, and inclusion in the patent profession. ADAPT) initiative. For example, in this regard, Meta has partnered with the US nonprofit National Council of Patent Practices (NCPP) to provide free training to women and minorities on how to draft and examine patent applications with the USPTO. It is also called hybrid brainstorming to eliminate bias issues from the traditional patent brainstorming process and increase inventor diversity. Hybrid her brainstorming allows participants to anonymously and individually introduce solutions to technical problems. This narrows the focus to the merits of each idea and minimizes implicit biases based on gender, race, and ethnicity. It also allows employees to present their ideas regardless of their seniority level without fear of judgment.

Brazil overview

In Brazil, the share of women among all inventors in patents reached 19% from 2011 to 2015, according to the article “Women's Presence in Brazilian Patent Activity (1996-2017)” from 2021 It became clear. There is a consensus on the untapped potential of the contribution of women scientists and engineers to technological development in Brazil, and in the case of patenting activities, gender inequality in Brazil follows global trends. Increase in women's participation is slow.

Meanwhile, Brazil has companies and universities that are doing well in terms of innovation by promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion. Among the Brazilians who filed the largest patent applications in Brazil in 2022, there are four great examples. 1) The Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) found that 87% of patent applications filed by the university between 2017 and 2021 had at least one application. A woman is named as one of the inventors. 2) Petrobras, one of the world's largest oil companies, has been a signatory to the United Nations Global Agreement since 2003 and last year (2023) established an area dedicated to diversity, equity and inclusion management. was founded. 3) His CNH Industrial, a company specializing in equipment and services for agriculture and construction, received an award in recent years for its good practices in promoting diversity and inclusion. 4) The Brazilian factory of Stellantis (FCA Group) is one of the most technologically competent and prosperous factories in the world, and the Brazilian woman who is the global head of the production system is the leader in this sector. We see success as directly related to diversity. of employees.

From my own perspective, looking back at my time studying engineering in college, I realized that an environment where leadership was predominantly white and male prevented us from leveraging important human contributions. When we start working on patents and innovation in places where there is gender equality and opportunities to inspire women leaders and interact with people from different backgrounds and perspectives, we realize that valuable contributions are still missing in places without diversity. It became clear that there was. The studies and research reviewed above demonstrate and measure the magnitude of the loss of profitability and lack of diversity in the innovation and patent space.

I'm looking forward to

Innovation includes patenting activities, and diversity must not only be part of it, but also embraced in this field. Efforts in this area are in their infancy and do not reflect all the possibilities, outcomes, and potentialities within the multiple diversity. Nevertheless, the evidence to date supports that without diverse perspectives, much can be lost, increasing the efficiency and profitability of technology development and benefiting businesses, society, and the environment. It shows us the way forward to achieve this goal.

Image Source: Deposit Photos Author: Rawpixel Image ID: 99774890




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