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Eclipse Software Defined Vehicle (SDV) accelerates automotive innovation through open source collaboration

Eclipse Software Defined Vehicle (SDV) accelerates automotive innovation through open source collaboration



BRUSSELS, BELGIUM, Feb. 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Eclipse Foundation, one of the world's largest open source foundations, today collaborated with the Eclipse Software Defined Vehicle (SDV) Working Group to make a number of its We announced the results and highlights. Here's our overall progress in 2023 and a preview of what's to come in 2024 and beyond. Over the past year, Eclipse SDV launched over a dozen new projects, hosted multiple events, added major OEMs like GM and Mercedes, and increased overall membership by 14 new members. . Most importantly, the working group has started hosting code that is already planned for use in real production environments.

The SDV Working Group experienced significant growth in 2023 and expects this momentum to not only continue, but accelerate in 2024, said Mike Milinkovich, executive director of the Eclipse Foundation. In line with our community's commitment to industry transformation, our primary objectives are two-fold. One is to establish a code-first, open source community dedicated to delivering production-ready software platforms. Second, foster a robust vendor-neutral ecosystem focused on delivering tangible value across the automotive value chain. To achieve these goals, we are focused on building open source processes that ensure automotive-grade quality control, functional safety, and supply chain security.

Eclipse SDV experienced significant membership growth and significant project expansion throughout 2023. New members, including Cummins, DENSO, General Motors, HARMAN, LG Electronics, Mercedes-Benz Tech Innovation and Qualcomm Innovation Center, exemplify the organization's quality and diversity. These are people who recently joined the working group. Members currently contribute and collaborate on 26 different projects, including technologies focused on fleet management, software orchestration, and other real-world applications.

Building the SDV Ecosystem In 2023, Eclipse SDV focused on fostering collaboration and community growth, as evidenced by numerous community events, strategic project additions, and partnerships with automotive organizations. The year marked several notable highlights that demonstrate our unwavering commitment to innovation in the automotive technology field.

First Automotive Open Source Summit Success: In early June, Eclipse SDV successfully launched the first Automotive Open Source Summit. The event brought together industry leaders from more than 30 organizations, including Bosch, Cariad (VW Group), the European Commission, Microsoft, Mercedes-Benz Tech Innovation and ZF Group. The summit was aimed at automotive technology executives, thought leaders, and senior managers and featured speakers from Eclipse's automotive initiatives and other areas. Following its great success, a second summit is scheduled for May 14, 2024 in Starnberg, Germany. Eclipse Foundation joins his FEDERATE to grow the automotive ecosystem: To demonstrate its commitment to the EU's automotive ecosystem, the Eclipse Foundation joins his FEDERATE in the following funded project: did. Chips joint venture. This public-private partnership is supported by the Horizon Europe Framework Programme, which brings together leading automotive companies and industrial SDV initiatives. FEDERATE accelerates the development of the future vehicle ecosystem, fosters collaboration, and supports research, development, and innovation activities to align both software and hardware for the Software Defined Vehicle of the future. We are aiming for Global Expansion and Community Day Initiatives: Building on the success of SDV Community Day in Lisbon (organized by Microsoft) and Friedrichshafen (organized by ZF Group), the SDV Working Group will hold another community event at EclipseCon in October. Over 100 participants gathered. In the following months, the company expanded its global presence with appearances at events such as SFCON 2023 in Bolzano, AutoTech: Europe in Berlin, SDVCON in Heilbronn, and Automotive IQ SDV Week in Munich. Expanded. To commemorate the new milestone, the SDV working group will participate in his EdgeTech+ in Japan, its first event in Asia, connect with key he OEMs, and hold a local meetup at LG Electronics in South Korea. did. Successful Munich Hackathon Showcased His SDV Innovations: In late November, Eclipse SDV organized a hackathon in Munich, Germany, held at Accenture's Munich office. The event brought together automotive software enthusiasts to experiment with SDV tools and blueprints, build new features, and explore new ideas in vehicle development. With over 100 registrants organized into 15 teams, the hackathon had great results, bringing together participants from around the world and fostering collaboration and innovation in automotive software development. Safety-certified open source RTOS under Eclipse Foundation governance: In a groundbreaking move, we are announcing plans to migrate Microsoft Azure RTOS and all its components to the Eclipse ThreadX open source project under Eclipse Foundation governance. did. The Eclipse ThreadX project falls under the Eclipse SDV Working Group. With a staggering 12 billion devices already deployed, this established technology plays a central role, especially in the automotive sector. As the only open source real-time operating system (RTOS) to boast multiple safety and reliability certifications, including IEC 61508, IEC 62304, ISO 26262, and EN 50128, the transition to open source marks a significant milestone for the industry . The added EAL4+ Common Criteria security certification further strengthens its position in the automotive technology field.

Looking ahead, our main goal this new year is to increase collaboration within the Eclipse SDV working group and foster stronger connections between diverse projects. Additionally, we are working to more seamlessly integrate communication protocols such as Eclipse uProtocol and Eclipse Zenoh within the SDV ecosystem. Another important initiative is the introduction of Eclipse SDV Blueprints, which aims to showcase the capabilities of the SDV project for real-world use cases such as fleet management and software orchestration.

Join the Eclipse SDV Working Group and discover opportunities to actively contribute to the global center of gravity for software-defined vehicle innovation and collaboration. Our diverse membership of industry leaders is united by a code-first approach, driving the innovations that are being actively adopted in the industry today. We provide a comprehensive platform where businesses of all sizes can contribute, ensuring a level playing field. Please check here for detailed member information.

Explore the Vision Paper To further explore the Eclipse SDV Working Group's industry vision, we encourage you to download the SDV Vision Paper. This comprehensive document provides a detailed overview of the organization's goals and future projections for vehicle design.

Upcoming Events and Opportunities Join us at SDV Community Day in Graz on February 28-29, 2024 and get to know the Eclipse SDV community. This event promises valuable insight into SDV working group projects and provides an opportunity to connect with other members of the automotive technology community. .

To see the SDV project firsthand and network with other members, consider attending the annual Bosch Connected World event in Berlin on February 28-29, 2024. Registering for the event gives you access to Eclipse SDV and Eclipse Foundation exhibitor space. site. See you at booth G6.

Later this year, the Eclipse Foundation will host its first event focused on automotive open source at the Open Code for Automotive conference. This event will be held in conjunction with Open Code Experience (OCX), the newest global event for open source software, taking place in October 2016. Held in Mainz, Germany, October 22-24, 2024.

About the Eclipse Foundation The Eclipse Foundation provides a business-friendly environment for open source software collaboration and innovation for a global community of individuals and organizations. We specialize in Eclipse IDE, Adoptium, Software Defined Vehicle, Jakarta EE, and cloud and edge applications, IoT, AI, automotive, systems engineering, open processor design, and much more. Headquartered in Brussels, Belgium, the Eclipse Foundation is an international nonprofit organization supported by more than 360 members. Join us at this year's Open Code Experience (OCX) conference in Mainz, Germany, October 22-24, 2024. For more information, follow us on social media @EclipseFdn, LinkedIn, or visit

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Media Contact: Eclipse Foundation Schwarz Public Relations, AISBL (Germany) Gloria Huppert, Franziska Wenzl[email protected]+49 (89) 211 871 – 70 / – 58

Nichols Communications Jay Nichols, Eclipse Foundation, AISBL[email protected]+1 408-772-1551

514 Media Ltd for the Eclipse Foundation, AISBL (France, Italy, Spain)Benoit Simoneau[email protected]Male: +44 (0) 7891 920 370

Source: Eclipse Foundation Canada




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