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Why the best technology approaches unlock the potential for innovation

Why the best technology approaches unlock the potential for innovation


The best approach to technology is a great choice for brands looking to customize their services and implement best-of-breed solutions in multiple categories for both guests and employees.

These are common questions that restaurateurs ask when reevaluating their technology. “Do we go with a best-of-breed approach or do we go with an all-in-one approach?” The best technology approach is one that uses APIs to integrate key solutions into a single core technology platform: the point of sale (POS) within the restaurant environment.

Returning to the current question, which approach is best? Through the acceleration in the restaurant technology field over recent decades, the strengths and weaknesses of both approaches have become clear. This article primarily focuses on the philosophy behind the best approach.

It's difficult to do everything well

There is timeless wisdom in the adage, “Jack of all trades, master of nothing.” Technology is no exception. According to Carissa DeSantis, chief technology officer of Pizza Jukebox's parent company, BRIX Holdings, behind her decision to push her cloud POS platform to be open with the best features rather than an all-in-one. It is said that there were several factors. One solution.

“I prefer a best-of-breed approach for technology providers,” she said. “We haven't found an all-in-one provider that can do everything and do it well. So why not make it easy for restaurants to choose what they want?”

At BRIX Holdings, De Santis makes technology decisions that impact the entire portfolio of brands, including Friendly's Restaurants, a family favorite for more than 80 years. Friendly's operations are very different from those of a pizza jukebox. The Pizza Jukebox is a fully automated concept featuring a pizza robot (affectionately named “Luigi”), an operational feat made possible through a cloud POS platform with open APIs.

BRIX is a case study of very different operations within one parent company. The same benefits apply to single-concept brands. Consider the following example. A startup has devised a new AI vision technology to help with order accuracy, a critical challenge for businesses. You'll want to be able to quickly and easily connect and test it. This is happening more and more, and by using a best-of-breed approach, you can decide which products add value to your business, and when making your selection, you can choose from the leaders in their respective fields.

Partnerships are more important than ever

Today's technology providers need to offer more than flashy features and functionality. They need to prove their ability to be a lasting partner. Partnerships are an important factor for restaurateurs to consider when selecting vendors, especially when implementing the best technology.

Why are partnerships so important? One reason is that with the rapid changes in the technology field, unexpected scenarios and questions can arise. It's simply the nature of the beast and the risks that come with the value of staying up to date with new features.

Additionally, coordination is required when multiple systems need to be connected and work seamlessly. Technology providers who are reluctant to include the human factor across their services will fall short when it comes time to adapt and scale. True partners intentionally leverage the services that come with open technology platforms and have the infrastructure to collaborate regularly throughout the partnership.

Save space and innovate

When predicting the future, change is the only certainty. For brands ambitious in their growth plans and methods to stay at the forefront of customer satisfaction, choosing technology designed for flexibility provides built-in space to explore new territory. You can get it.

While all-in-one solutions have advantages such as predictable costs and system simplicity, this technological approach leaves operators frustrated when it comes to the Luigi Pizza robots of the world and many unknown inventions in the future. It will be. If innovation is a priority for your company's product menu, consider the best approach to investing in your next technology stack.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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