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Comment: Excessive regulation of AI could be a drag on technology competition

Comment: Excessive regulation of AI could be a drag on technology competition


Written by Nataraj Sindam / For the Herald

Technology is rapidly evolving, and artificial intelligence (AI) has gone from concept to commonplace in a relatively short period of time. Like all world-changing technologies that have come before us, the internet, mobile phones, and the cloud were once impossible to understand. Our innovative potential continues to grow. In a few years, we will be mocking what we originally believed to be the limits of AI capabilities.

Washington state leaders appear to recognize the growing importance of AI. Earlier this year, Governor Jay Inslee issued an executive order establishing guidelines for state agencies to follow when dealing with generative AI. This thoughtful approach to AI principles is a great example of how to be cautious and curious about highly capable new technologies. AI is here to stay. And Congress needs to prioritize innovation in AI capabilities rather than passing policies that would stifle AI growth and put the United States on the back foot against adversaries who are actively investing in innovation.

The United States threatens its position in the global technology race by handicaping technology companies' ability to innovate. Recent polls show voters are concerned that overregulation of the tech industry could hurt competitiveness with China and give foreign adversaries an opportunity to weaponize technology against the United States. This is not surprising given that China has clearly indicated its intention to dominate the AI ​​field. Another red flag is the recent increase in cyberattacks from global adversaries targeting critical U.S. infrastructure, including an attack that temporarily shut down the nation's largest prescription processor.

India serves as a frightening example of the consequences of heavy-handed technology regulation. The country recently issued an order requiring all new AI models to get government approval before they are launched, but this is in line with an earlier agreement that the government would not regulate the growth of AI, recognizing how important it is to India's strategic interests. It is very different from. This new rule poses a hurdle for Indian entrepreneurs who want to catch up with global leaders such as Open AI, Anthropic, and Nvidia. Such regulations limit new entrepreneurs who drive innovation and weaken India's position in the global technology race. The United States should take note.

As a software engineer, I'm deeply invested in the future of America's technology sector. In order to better understand AI and take advantage of its capabilities, I will dedicate his 100 days in 2024 to AI education, spending at least 2 hours every day learning about the technology, experimenting, discovering and sharing ideas. We will document it in a series called 100 Days of AI.

I look forward to learning a lot about the power of AI and how it can benefit my personal and professional life, as well as the economy of my hometown of Washington. However, my actions go against the trend of resisting the introduction of AI technology due to its “unknowns.” The idea that AI capabilities will automatically overwhelm human capital and become a disruptive force for good is a mischaracterization of the purpose and potential of technology.

When discussing AI, the need for human capital should not be underestimated. Expanding the opportunities of AI requires a stronger workforce, not taking jobs away from us. Over the past decade, Washington state's high-tech sector employment has expanded by nearly 34% and accounts for 22% of the state's economy, making technology a key driver of Washington state's growth. AI is a tool, not a solution. By investing in technology and incorporating AI into existing fields, we are evolving through human innovation. That doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

AI has been the subject of fear-mongering, presented as a technology that will accelerate the spread of misinformation, destroy jobs, and disrupt elections. Congress has taken up the issue extensively, debating its far-reaching implications in hearings and committees, leading to short-sighted policy considerations as well as general fear and mistrust of AI. .

AI plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of technology, and rushing to pass policies that tie the hands of U.S. innovators will help the rest of the world invest in AI to unlock its untapped potential. It risks sacrificing America's competitiveness against great powers.

As AI continues to evolve, it is important for policymakers to comprehensively consider potential legislation and consider the unintended consequences that may arise from broad regulation or strict guardrails. We cannot undermine the value of innovation in our country.

Nataraj Sindam lives in Lake Stevens. He is the creator of the Startup Project podcast and author of the 100 Days of AI series, which aims to democratize the benefits of AI. AI and Cloud He has over 10 years of experience in developing computing technology products.




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