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TikTok Notes is a new competitor to Instagram.What is the app and how does it work? | Social Media

TikTok Notes is a new competitor to Instagram.What is the app and how does it work? | Social Media


TikTok quietly launched Instagram rival Notes in Australia and Canada on Thursday, testing a new app dedicated to still images and text.

what is that?

A TikTok spokesperson said Notes is a dedicated space for photo and text content and a means for users to create and share their creativity. For the average person, it is very similar to Metas Instagram. A place to share still images and text.

Need a new account?

No, if you have an existing TikTok account, you can use it. The company last week generally indicated to app users that existing or future posts within the TikTok app would appear in Notes unless they opted out, but this is understood to have not been implemented at the time of the app's launch. has been done.

What can I post there?

You can post photos and images with captions, but unlike Instagram, you can post captions for your photos as well as captions.

What can you see there?

So far, it looks like typical space-filling meme-style content, but as more people start using it and content creators join and follow their friends on the platform, things will change. This may change.

Just like regular TikTok, there's a “Following” tab that shows you who you follow, and a “for you” tab that shows you the TikTok algorithm's decisions about what to show you on the platform.

Do you have a story?

No, so far it appears to be an old-school Instagram-style app where the photos you post are posted on your profile instead of for a limited time.

What about reels?

Well, no, because Reels is Instagram's answer to the endlessly scrolling short video apps of TikToks. The TikTok version of Reels is TikTok.

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Has the company announced when it will be available outside of Australia and Canada?

At this stage, no. At this time, it is only available for download and limited testing in these two countries.

It's not clear why Australia and Canada launched first, but technology companies generally roll out new features and services to smaller populations of like-minded people before rolling them out more broadly in countries like the UK and US. We often deploy and test in Western countries. In countries like the EU, where app regulations are strict.

Should I install it?

If you work for a government agency in either country and want to install it on your work device, the same ban that currently applies to regular apps from Chinese-owned companies on government agency devices in Australia and Canada It can be said that the measures are likely to be applied. Applies to this app.

Other than that, the usual warnings about privacy concerns and what social media apps collect from you, use at your own risk.

It's difficult to say at this stage. Metas' habit of adapting features from competitors from Snapchat to TikTok to Instagram has been successful for the company so far. The Guardian reported that Instagram will overtake TikTok in app downloads in 2023, following the success of its TikTok clone Reels.

Although Instagram has more active users (1.5 billion vs. 1.1 billion), the data shows that TikTok users spend more time on the app than Instagram users (95 minutes vs. 62 minutes a day).

It remains to be seen whether another social giant like TikTok can be similarly successful in imitating Instagram.

Isn't TikTok going to be banned soon?

So far, no plans have been initiated in Western countries such as the US and Australia, despite all the noise around them, but it remains a very real problem.

Canada announced last month that it was conducting a national security review of TikTok.




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