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Google fires 28 employees after sit-in – Scottish Scoop News

Google fires 28 employees after sit-in – Scottish Scoop News


Google Building MP5, Sunnyvale/Lewin Bormann/Flickr/ CC BY-SA 2.0

80 people took part in Tuesday's protest, which resulted in nine arrests and 28 employees being fired.

Google laid off 28 employees on Wednesday following an employee protest the previous day. Tuesday's protests saw dozens of employees stage sit-ins in Sunnyvale and New York City, including the Google Cloud CEO's office, and resulted in nine arrests.

The protest is made up of more than 1,000 tech workers calling for the cancellation of Project Nimbus, a $1.22 billion contract from Google and Amazon to provide cloud infrastructure, artificial intelligence and data centers to Israel. It was led by the group No Tech for Apartheid.

A Google spokesperson said their work is not targeted at highly sensitive, classified or military workloads related to weapons or intelligence agencies.

There is currently no evidence that Google or Amazon technology has been used to kill civilians, but Google is working with the Israeli Ministry of Defense. +972 Magazine reported that AI systems named “Lavender” and “The Gospel” were also used to target and label Palestinians in Gaza. It is currently unknown which cloud provider is used for these systems, but the system is causing concern.

If you're one of the few people who might be tempted to overlook behavior that violates our policies, Google's vice president of global security, Chris Rakow, said he wants people within the company to think again. mentioned in the memo.

Despite the warnings, No Tech for Apartheid has vowed to continue organizing until the company cancels Project Nimbus and cuts off the power supply to this genocide.

The group said in a statement Thursday that the firings were illegal and that Google acted out of fear of the group.

The move comes in the wake of a lawsuit from other companies that sued Starbucks last year against its union, Starbucks Workers United, over a post on X expressing solidarity with Palestine. . In another incident, a Wix employee was fired after criticizing Israel on social media.

Earlier this month, Apple fired several employees who wore pro-Palestinian attire.

Since the conflict between Israel and Hamas began, high-profile figures have faced reprimands and dismissals over their comments on the Palestinian cause.




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