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Tech4City helps young people leverage technology and AI to create inclusive and sustainable solutions

Tech4City helps young people leverage technology and AI to create inclusive and sustainable solutions


After two successes in empowering young people to create innovative digital solutions to improve society, Huawei's Tech4City competition now challenges young people to develop the best customized solutions powered by artificial intelligence. I'm calling.

The third competition, which opened for entries on March 26, will select five finalist teams as finalists. These teams will compete for the grand prize of S$20,000 in cash, an increase from the S$15,000 prize given to last year's winner.

Individuals between the ages of 18 and 35 work in teams of 3 to 6 members to explore innovative solutions that leverage AI to improve digital literacy and contribute to Singapore's digital development. You must register for the contest by June 9th.

Each finalist team will also receive S$2,000 and the opportunity to build a prototype with support from Huawei and its partners, including Infocomm Media Development Authority, Health Promotion Board, and SG Enable.

Sponsored by Tech4City's industry partner SBS Transit, additional prizes will be awarded to solutions that address real-world problems and specific problems, including the best innovations in mobility.

Another industry partner, Swan & Maclaren Group, is sponsoring two new awards: “AI in Adaptive Reuse and Rejuvenation in the Integrated Built Environment” and “AI in Lighting and Immersive Entertainment.”

Inclusion and sustainability Huawei International CEO Maxi Wang said Tech4City is an ongoing effort to achieve an inclusive and sustainable Singapore.Image: Huawei

Speaking at the launch event on March 26, Huawei International CEO Maxi Wang said Tech4City will help “facilitate co-creation to achieve an inclusive and sustainable Singapore”. He emphasized that this is a continuous effort.

New participants will use Tech4City as a platform to unleash creativity and innovation as they conceive and develop solutions under two overarching themes: AI for Inclusion and AI for Sustainability. He said they can be unleashed and drive positive change.

“Our continued investment in talent development confirms our dedication as a global company to supporting Singapore's efforts to pave the way towards a shared and sustainable future with cutting-edge technology. '' said Wang.

The launch of the competition comes after Singapore's Ministry of Communications and Information announced new AI initiatives on March 1, in line with the National AI Strategy (NAIS 2.0) announced in December last year. NAIS 2.0 aims to promote Singapore as a leader in the AI ​​field.[公共利益のための AI]Tap.

In previous editions of Tech4City, teams have developed solutions around nature, culture, neighbors, well-being, learning, mobility, finance, and energy.

The first winners of the Tech4City competition, a team of graduate students from the National University of Singapore, has developed a “See Your Voice” smart glove prototype that converts a hearing-impaired user's communication (sign language) into speech and text.

From prototype to market launch

At a recent launch, Gong He, leader of that team and now CEO of sign language recognition technology company Fingerdance, talked about how his company moved closer to commercializing the solution following Tech4City. .

“Huawei has given us a lot of support, including connecting us to partners within their network so that we can do more work holistically. ” said He, whose company has enrolled in the Huawei Cloud Startup Incubator Program (Spark Incubator). He launched in November 2022 along with his PIXEL Innovation Hub at IMDA.

“We look forward to working with like-minded friends across industries to leverage technology to make sign language available everywhere,” he said.

He called Tech4City “transformative” because it helps teams take their ideas to the “next level” and told 2024 Tech4City participants that they will use generative AI to support the elderly and disabled. He encouraged them to think about ways to do so.

Mentorship Opportunity FingerDance CEO Gong He and his team won the first-ever Tech4City competition in 2022 with their sign language recognition solution.Image: Huawei

Tech4City's launch was also attended by Kelvin Kong, executive director of Mentoring SG, and Jackson Kwa, co-founder of TechSociety and career coach at Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT).

Mentoring SG, which partnered with Tech4City for the first time this year, will work with Huawei to provide more opportunities and access to mentoring for local youth.

Kong said that while the theme of inclusivity can be interpreted as respecting people, the other theme of sustainability means looking at bigger issues.

“I would advise participants not to use technology as a starting point. Start with people's needs and understand their pain points before layering on AI,” he said.

“The projects that our participants undertake will have a huge impact in making our world more inclusive and sustainable. Please take this first step to bring about this change. I would like to thank the participants.”

Gong He, who is already acting as a mentor, offered some initial advice to participants looking to create a minimum viable product (MVP) of their prototype.

“First, you need to keep communicating with dozens or even hundreds of end users. Second, you can get feedback and insights from your end users, and those end users are your teachers. Third, you need to keep communicating with dozens or even hundreds of end users. Learn how to turn it into an MVP feature,” he said.

Start your journey with an idea

The impact of the Tech4City competition extends beyond mere participation. It offers a variety of avenues for young people to develop their ideas and skills, including learning how to pitch effectively, networking sessions and technical skills development programmes.

There will also be opportunities for participants to quickly join Huawei's global programs and participate in potential internships.

In his address to attendees, Mr. Kwa from TechSociety and SIT offered a simple message to prospective attendees: “We encourage you to actively participate and think of ideas, because everything begins with an idea.'' and provided appropriate advice.

For more information about Tech4City 2024, register at




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