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Why Brands Should Follow Prada's WNBA Game

Why Brands Should Follow Prada's WNBA Game


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Caitlin Clark, Angel Reese and Prada: discover the new WNBA recruits.

Last week at the league's annual draft, Clark donned a light pink satin Prada two-piece, a bedazzled mesh crop peeking out from underneath. Reese, who made a splash by declaring for the WNBA draft in Vogue, was in the Bronx and Banco. Los Angeles Sparks forward Cameron Brink wore Balmain.

Clark was the first basketball player, male or female, to be dressed by Prada for draft night (would have at the suggestion of the brands). This is a notable change from past years, when major luxury players tended not to participate in the event. Prada said they are not commenting on the relationship with Clark at this point.

It paid off. The look generated $581,000 in media impact value (MIV) according to Launchmetrics, a solid sum for a look.At the Super Bowl (for example, Taylor Swift generated $181,000 MIV for Area, while Travis Kelce generated $312,000 for Amiri.) Pradas Instagram post of the look generated $95,000 of the MIV total.

Image may contain Fashion Adults Clothing Shoes High-heeled shoes First and dress

Cameron Brink in Balmain.

Photo: Sarah Stier/Getty Images

Image may contain Fashion Adult Person Accessories Bracelet Jewelry Clothing Dress Shoes High-heeled shoes

Angel Reese in the Bronx and Blanco.

Photo: Sarah Stier/Getty Images

The WNBA hypothesizes a growing branding opportunity for fashion. This year, the women's NCAA championship game received more views than the men's final for the first time in history. Women's basketball ticket sales soared after Clark announced her intention to enter the draft. according to Pacer Sports & Entertainment. Basketball analyst Debbie Antonelli calls it Clarkonomics. The Washington Mystics on Thursday moved their June 7 game against the Indiana Fever to a larger venue due to unprecedented demand. And the online comments from the orange carpet at draft nights prove that people are watching and engaging.

Fashion and sport, long-time companions, become even cozier. Reese said she was inspired by Serena Williams, when the tennis star took Vogue to announce his retirement. Moving up the tunnel one level, the Brooklyn Nets have launched their own men's private label in partnership with Kid Super and one for Brooklyn's women's team, New York Liberty, is potentially in the pipeline. And when it comes to the WNBA, beauty brands want in on the game too. Brands like Glossier and Nyx are signing deals with teams in the league.




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