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Temasek-supported food technology center enhances taste and nutritional benefits of alternative proteins

Temasek-supported food technology center enhances taste and nutritional benefits of alternative proteins


SINGAPORE A new center opened on 24 April where businesses can receive support to improve the taste and nutritional benefits of sustainable foods and increase consumer acceptance.

The Temasek-backed sustainable food production platform Nurasus Food Tech Innovation Center aims to help companies scale up the production of alternative protein products and bring them closer to commercialization.

Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat said during the official launch of the center at Biopolis that the center will provide a space for a variety of businesses to come together and innovate, benefiting not only Singapore but the wider region. said.

But more can be done to reduce the cost of innovation, lower barriers to entry for new ideas and create differentiating advantages, he added.

For example, public-private partnerships can help accelerate innovation by initiating research and development in the field of emerging technologies, fostering exchanges of talent, and minimizing duplication of investments.

Operating since early 2023, the Food Tech Innovation Center includes two collaborative labs and is a public-private partnership between Nurasa, contract manufacturing company ScaleUp Bio, A*Star and other research institutions.

These labs include precision fermentation labs that genetically engineer microorganisms such as yeast, fungi, and bacteria to produce key food ingredients such as proteins and flavor compounds. We also have a high-moisture extrusion lab that essentially helps shape plant-based proteins into meat-like products.

Nurasas CEO Guo Xiuling said in an April 24 press interview that both laboratories will serve as small-scale manufacturing facilities for companies to produce limited product samples that can be used for early market testing. He said he is doing so.

This will allow companies to fine-tune their products in response to consumer feedback at an early stage and ultimately commercialize a final product that is generally accepted, Guo added.

Nurasa's cross-company collaboration has also made it possible to improve the taste of these alternative protein products.

For example, Nourish English, an Australian food technology company, uses precision fermentation to recreate the natural fats lacking in alternative protein products such as plant-based chicken, enhancing the taste and aroma of meat. I am.

For the launch event, Nourish Materials collaborated with Cremer Sustainable Foods, a joint venture between Nurasa and German agri-food multinational Cremer, to create a plant-based chicken satay enriched with natural fat ingredients. This made the dish meatier and juicier. character.

The ingredient, known as Tastilux, was created using a type of soil-based bacterial strain and processed through precision fermentation.

The company is currently seeking regulatory approval from the Food Authority of Singapore for Tastilux to be sold to consumers.

In addition to addressing the protein component of the diet, fat also forms part of the puzzle, as does fiber and other micronutrients that are essential to overall human health. These also need to be taken into account when it comes to sustainable food production, Guso said.




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