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Lawmakers demand more action from DOA against 'bad actor' nurseries

Lawmakers demand more action from DOA against 'bad actor' nurseries


The state Department of Agriculture is under fire from lawmakers for its lack of action against rogue nurseries and businesses.

This week, state senators held a briefing to provide an update on nurseries that knowingly sold plant material infested with small fire ants, one of the most problematic invasive species in Hawaii.

In November, DOA Chair Sharon Hurd briefed lawmakers on the situation involving what she called bad actor breeding grounds. In February, the department traced infested plants at the Punahou Carnival to a business, but declined to prematurely name it or any other business.

We announce when we find (infestations) in public places like the Punahou Carnival. “I think there should be more evidence before we name people because of litigation because we could hurt them commercially,” Hurd told lawmakers this week during a briefing.

Department heads said they had no evidence that the company involved in the carnival incident had infested equipment, but said the company had not responded to their contacts and would not allow inspectors to enter the property.

Sen. Jarrett Keohokalole, who chairs the Senate Commerce and Consumer Protection Committee, identified the company as Pua Lani Landscape Design during the briefing.

It's the Punahou one you're unable to cooperate with at this point. How hard was it? he said.

The department said all other nurseries involved in the carnival cooperated with the DOA's investigation and did not have any small fire ants. Lawmakers therefore declared Pua Lani to be the smoking gun.

The ministry admitted it could have identified the company as a precaution to the public, but decided not to do so. He also dragged his feet on pressuring the company to cooperate with his investigation, saying it had been focused on the legislative session.

Pua Lani did not immediately respond to a request for comment from Hawaii Public Radio.

Lawmakers told the department it should not worry so much about litigation that it refuses to act, and they also demanded better leadership. They say nurseries have for years been able to sell infested plants without consequence and, without further action, will continue to do so.

We just approved a bill yesterday providing $20 million for the Department (of Agriculture). And if we're going to spend it on volunteers and allow bad actors to continue to flout state law, then maybe that was a poor allocation of resources, Keohokalole told department heads.

The state Legislature this week approved historic legislation providing $20 million to the department for biosecurity programs and personnel. He also reaffirmed the Department of Agriculture as the primary state entity responsible for combating invasive pests.

Ultimately, lawmakers fear the department will find excuses to protect nurseries and other agriculture-related businesses at the expense of public health.

It's your mission to support our local agricultural industry, which is great, and to promote local farms, small businesses, nurseries, all of that. Your mission is also to stop the spread of invasive species that harm all sectors of the economy and your quality of life, which is more important? said Senator Chris Lee, who participated in the briefing.




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