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Ultra-processed foods increase obesity risk in children

Ultra-processed foods increase obesity risk in children


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Consuming large amounts of ultra-processed foods during childhood is associated with poor cardiometabolic health. This is the main conclusion of a study conducted by a research team from URV's Human Nutrition Unit in collaboration with the Pere Virgili Institute for Health Research (IISPV) and the Biomedical Research Network Center for the Physiology and Pathology of Obesity and Nutrition (CIBEROBN). The study was carried out on boys and girls between the ages of three and six, and the main results were published in the journal Science. JAMA network open.

Ultra-processed foods tend to be high in saturated fat, sugar, salt, additives, and pollutants, and poor in nutrients. Still, pastries, soft drinks, milkshakes, and snack foods are often included in children's diets. In order to investigate the health effects in the first years of life, the study will focus on three of the different locations participating in the CORALS multicenter study (Reus, Córdoba, Santiago de Compostela, Navarra, Valencia, Barcelona and Zaragoza). We evaluated the effects of consuming these products on more than 1,500 six-year-old boys and girls.

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They found that children who consumed more ultra-processed foods had higher scores on parameters such as BMI, waist circumference, body fat mass index, and blood sugar levels. Levels of HDL cholesterol (considered good cholesterol) in their blood were also lower.

“Our findings are cause for concern,” says Nancy Babio, the study's principal investigator. “Although the magnitude of the association we found is likely to be of limited clinical significance, and although the boys and girls in our study were very young, it is still important to note that their intake and “There was a significant relationship between these parameters,” he said. I would add. For the research team, these results should be understood as an early warning of what is to come. “It is essential to recognize the importance of early dietary habits and their future impact on cardiometabolic health,” Babio points out.

The study also shows that children of mothers with little education or from a lower socio-economic level generally consume more ultra-processed foods, making them more susceptible to future health problems. “Taking all this into account, public health policies need to target vulnerable populations,” said Jordi Salas Salvado, director of the research team. It also recommends replacing them with healthier options, such as processed foods.

Readily available at low price

Ultra-processed foods are becoming increasingly common in the diet. Due to its ready availability and low price, it is widely consumed, especially among children, adolescents and their families, especially those who are most vulnerable from a socio-economic and educational point of view, i.e. those who are more prone to obesity. In this regard, this study highlights the urgency of addressing the problem of overconsumption of these foods by children and the importance of developing public policies and adopting preventive measures to protect the long-term health of future generations. are doing.

reference: Khoury N, Martínez MÁ, Garcidueñas-Fimbres TE, et al. “Ultra-processed food intake and cardiometabolic risk factors in children” JAMA Net Open2024;7(5):e2411852. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.11852

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