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Defense Innovation Summit Explores Technology in National Security – Madison Record

Defense Innovation Summit Explores Technology in National Security – Madison Record


HUNTSVILLE The University of Alabama's Invention to Innovation Center (I2C) in Huntsville is preparing to host the Defense Innovation Summit.

Participants will explore emerging technologies and federal funding tools related to national security. Rigved P. Joshi said the summit is an innovative, national security matching initiative for North Alabama. Joshi is UAH's assistant vice president for innovation and entrepreneurship. He is also his I2C director.

The summit venue is I2C located at 850 Ben Graves Drive on the UAH campus. The activity will begin at 10am on May 23rd and continue until 7pm.

From 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., company representatives including investors, the Department of Defense or Department of Defense, and Redcell Partners, Squadra Venture Capitalists or VC, Parallax, Booz Allen Ventures, U.S. Special Operations Command or USSOCOM, and U.S. Make a pitch to a government committee. Especially the military. Participation by companies is by invitation only, so if you are interested, please submit your request early.

Potential candidates include innovators, start-ups, Small Business Innovation Research/Other Transactions or SBIR/OT awardees, and small businesses. Joshi said members of the government committee are actively pursuing cutting-edge technologies across a variety of sectors, with a particular focus on innovations that have the potential to be used for both industrial and government applications. .

These discussions will continue until 5 p.m., after which the focus will shift to networking and reception, which will run until 7 p.m.

Start-ups and others present their business models, technologies, products, and services to a selected group of participants. These attendees include Department of Defense officials and other government agencies, as well as VCs and other investors interested in funding promising ventures.

Joshi said the pitch is a key element and aims to demonstrate the innovation, potential impact and investment value of the presenting company.

As a connectivity goal, the main purpose of the event is to establish a network that connects three major groups:

* Startup Innovators Includes problem solvers, entrepreneurs, and companies developing cutting-edge technologies and solutions for defense.

* Investors — such as VCs looking for investment opportunities.

* Department of Defense Officials Includes Department of Defense employees and other government agencies.

Participating VCs so far are Red Cell, Squadra, and Parallax.

The summit's target audience includes start-ups and innovators, who will have significant opportunities to secure funding, mentorship and strategic partnerships. Joshi said the other group are investors who are always on the lookout for technology and startups that have the potential to disrupt traditional markets or create new ones.

It also allows DoD and other government officials to foster direct dialogue with innovators, potentially accelerating the adoption of new technologies in defense operations, Joshi said.

Application deadline is May 5th. For more information, visit There is no submission fee for applicants. Finalists will be notified in mid-May.

For more information, email [email protected] or visit




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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