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Apple Vision Pro: In a future where the TV is fixed to your face, sports could be the killer app

Apple Vision Pro: In a future where the TV is fixed to your face, sports could be the killer app



Once you get past the comical appearance of the Apple Vision Pro and similar virtual reality headsets and the Wall-E-like images of people walking around with such devices strapped to their faces, it's time to figure out what kind of content is right for you. You can start thinking about it. This amazing technology. It certainly depends on personal preference, but sampling the device can give you a glimpse of the future and how to get the most out of it.

Perhaps only the most enthusiastic early adopters will feel compelled to rush out and buy the Vision Pro at its initial $3,500 price, but it's definitely a user-friendly attempt to introduce the idea of ​​immersive viewing to the masses. and will eventually be discontinued in terms of price. The better question is not whether we need it now (we don't), but to what extent do we foresee what will happen in the future (it is). And as a film and television critic, what do you think you would benefit most from this medium? (Disclosure: Laurie's wife works in a division of Apple.)

In an early review for CNN Underscored, Mike Andronico cited Movies as the Vision Pro's killer app, calling watching movies using the headset the most immersive entertainment experience. I tried one that was optimized as if I were in my own personal theater. .

Others have pointed out, somewhat sarcastically, that porn is the ultimate material for the Vision Pro, a genre that Apple doesn't support, as The Daily Beast pointed out. That aside, note that assuming there is a special market, those producers will inevitably find a way to take advantage of it.

Still, the at-home movie-watching experience with its big, high-resolution screen and enhanced sound is already pretty good, no matter how impressive the Vision Pro's ability to create an immersive experience.

Therefore, the more interesting content seems to fall into two main categories. One is nature/adventure cuisine with the ability to immerse the viewer in those experiences. At sports and other live events, you can sit comfortably on your couch and feel like you're right in the middle of the action (minus the alien-looking thing on your face).

During the Vision Pro demonstration, the short nature/adventure film that Apple created for the device definitely stood out. From feeling like a rhinoceros (or dinosaur) was inches away from me to the dizzying feeling of High Liner's face staring at her over Dicky's shoulder as she walked a tightrope across Norway's 3,000-foot-tall fjords.

But that market seems much more limited than what the Vision Pro can do from a sports and concert perspective. That means sitting in the front row during a soccer game or right behind the goalie with his 180 degree field of view. Alicia Keys' performance. We'll take you to the rim with NBA stars. I look around the locker room as the team celebrates their victory.

Factor in the cost of sports tickets and concerts, and the Vision Pro's sky-high price tag suddenly starts to feel at least a little less outlandish in terms of return on investment.

Another benefit of sports and live music is that you don't have to follow a story, it's really about the experience. This technology enhances just that. Sure, immersing yourself in the world of Avatar: The Way of Water looks spectacular, but even if it follows its basic plot, it's less intellectual than intuitive quality that makes the most of the VR environment. is required.

As mentioned above, it may take some time for such consumption to reach some kind of critical mass, but it may not be as far away as we think. After all, talking to an invisible artificial voice named Alexa or participating in a video chat on a handheld device would have sounded like science fiction not too long ago.

If VR is destined to be one of the next iterations of our digital lives, what else will we consume besides popcorn? Dinosaurs and daredevils have their place, too, but through goggles. After spending some time looking at the world, the words that came to mind most were “play the hit” and “play the ball.”




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