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Panel discussion on innovations and trends including AI and RFID — Retail Technology Innovation Hub

Panel discussion on innovations and trends including AI and RFID — Retail Technology Innovation Hub



Other more positive applications of AI technology in the retail industry identified by Rushton include demand planning, price optimization, and waste management.

AI’s ability to process vast pools of data, find useful patterns, and make recommendations in these areas could be extremely beneficial.

As the power of AI data research becomes increasingly apparent, end-uses for such analytics are actually proliferating in the retail industry in other areas as well. Inventory management and labeling are other prominent end uses.

Paul Sims, Chief Architect at Primark, said the issue of shrinkage was a problem for us and indeed a problem for everyone, adding that the Co-op chain of small grocers across the UK He noted that last year, the city lost $70 million to crime. .

He was most interested in AI applications in the following areas:

Product lifecycle management: AI machine learning can help with the design process and demand forecasting to ensure inventory is properly stocked.

Better personalization: Possible thanks to stronger analytics, breaking down silos, and more.


Simon Pakenham-Walsh, chief information officer at River Island, which has 240 stores across the UK, is looking forward to refocusing its efforts on its physical stores after a period of building out its digital platform and experience. There is. Of course, technology remains important in this area.

He says that in the future, RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) tags and readers will be able to better integrate in-store and digital experiences, for example.

Pakenham-Walsh added that the company has already implemented RFID into its stock with great success, pointing to key successes at River Island, including:

After implementing RFID, inventory availability increased from 78% to 90%.

Increased inventory monitoring reduced size difference inaccuracy from 8% to 1%.

Sales also increased by 3% due to constant inventory.

Technology integration

Whatever project the RTS 2024 panelists, or indeed any panelist, wants to pursue, it always needs to be integrated into the host company's operations and processes.

We don't just connect new widgets; we bring about change by aligning people, processes, and technology.

Inventory improvements impact sales, and so do data-driven customer experience enhancements. Everything is connected, Primark Sims said.

The “why” question was recommended by Nina Mimica, chief innovation officer at Studentac Market, as a good starting point for a proposed technology project. Before installing, ask yourself: She asked why I wanted it and for what purpose.

Wise advice for the hundreds of attendees packed into RTS 2024's Headline Theater. Technology is not an end in itself. It is a tool to get the desired result.

If you want your project to be successful, it's best to keep the outcome in mind.




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