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How the University of Chicago is innovating for a sustainable future

How the University of Chicago is innovating for a sustainable future


Published on Friday, April 26, 2024

The Polsky Center manages all of the University of Chicago's innovation and technology intellectual property portfolios and connects laboratory scientists, engineers, students, and researchers with each other and with industry partners. We are committed to fostering collaboration.

World IP Day 2024 is focused on exploring how IP can encourage and scale solutions to some of society's biggest challenges.

Specifically, the event, which is celebrated globally on April 26 every year, is part of the Sustainable Development Initiative adopted by all United Nations member states in 2015 and setting out an action plan for people, planet and prosperity. The 2030 Agenda for 2030 is attracting attention.

The agenda outlines 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to address economic, social and environmental issues, from responsible consumption to affordable clean energy.

At the University of Chicago, industry-leading researchers are tackling these challenges in a variety of ways, including developing new materials to improve energy storage, water filtration, and biodegradable packaging.

Consider some of these solutions below >>

clean water and sanitation

SDG Goal 6: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all

// Functionalized molybdenum disulfide membrane for water filtration

As global water supplies become increasingly stressed, reverse osmosis membranes are widely adopted in desalination applications, forcing consumers to turn to more difficult water sources, brackish and seawater, to meet demand. I no longer get it. However, these membranes require significant energy input to remove the salts contained in these raw waters.

The present invention is a method of manufacturing membranes to improve separation performance and membrane stability. By increasing the water permeability of the membrane, this new method reduces the energy required to filter seawater and brackish water by approximately 15% and 50%, respectively.

// Improving electrochemical Li extraction from seawater and other dilute Li sources using mixed Li, Na layered oxides

The use of Li in electric vehicle batteries, portable electronics, and stationary energy storage applications has expanded significantly in recent years, and this growth is expected to continue. The main commercial technique used to recover Li is extraction of Li from concentrated brine water. The multistep process is time consuming and has limited commercial use.

To address this challenge, researchers demonstrated how using a new material, highly selective Li extraction can be achieved through the structural design of the material. Watch the video below to learn more.

Affordable and clean energy

SDG Goal 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all

// Layered iron sulfide with embedded cations for electrical energy storage

Electrodes in supercapacitor devices and lithium and sodium battery electrodes can all benefit from the increased ability to store and produce energy in a more efficient and sustainable manner. And researchers have developed a new layered iron sulfide material to do just that.

// Co-intercalation-free ether solvent for lithium-ion batteries

Although lithium-ion batteries have revolutionized portable electronics, there is still room for improvement in energy density, electrochemical stability, and usable temperature range. Improvements in electrolytes could further increase such needs for next-generation lithium-ion batteries.

Here, the inventors have identified an alternative to carbonate-based electrolytes, a class of compounds called fluorinated ethers, that can support reversible insertion and deintercalation of lithium ions within graphite. This is the first time such a compound has been discovered to exhibit this mechanism, making it possible to extend battery performance over higher energy densities and wider temperature ranges.

// Improved photovoltaic materials based on alpha-substituted perylene diimides

Compared to silicon solar cells, organic photovoltaic (OPV) solar cells are lighter in weight, have lower manufacturing costs, and exhibit greater versatility. But they face limitations.

To develop a solution to the limitations of current OPV solar cells, the inventors synthesized electron-deficient small molecule compounds and polymers that can function as electron acceptors in bulk heterojunction OPV solar cells. This improves photovoltaic performance, improves power conversion efficiency, and helps achieve cost efficiency in OPV manufacturing, thereby enabling broader commercial use.

// Functionalized metal carbides for energy storage

The present invention is a novel synthetic approach for surface modification of 2D metal carbides (MXenes) using molten inorganic salts. Although surface modification of MXene has been hypothesized to affect aspects of the material ranging from structural properties to electron transport, prior to the present invention, surface functionalization of MXene has been hypothesized to be modified in a controlled manner. There was no method.

The present invention demonstrates the synthesis of over 20 new materials and allows unprecedented atomic level control over the surface group functionalization of MXenes.

// Controllable synthesis of layered oxides by electrochemically assisted ion exchange

Lithium-rich layered oxides are promising cathode materials with remarkable electrochemical performance that will revolutionize the electronics, transportation, battery, and grid energy storage industries.

The present inventors have discovered a method for synthesizing layered oxides in which the chemical composition and spatial distribution can be controlled by electrochemically assisted ion exchange in a mixed solution of Li and Na. This new method expands the library of layered oxides available for battery materials and ultimately accelerates the development of the energy battery field.

Responsible consumption and responsible production

SDG Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

// Biodegradable packaging material made from a hybrid hydrogel of starch, granules, chitosan fibers and polyacrylamide

The present invention is a new composite hybrid hydrogel material with improved mechanical properties compared to starch or chitosan alone. The method of dispersing chitosan in starch is low cost and easy while maintaining the original function of chitosan.

Compared to petrochemical-based plastics that do not biodegrade, this new material is biodegradable and, importantly, does not contribute to the problem of plastic pollution.

// Process for low-cost and non-toxic separation of cellulose nanofibers from grass biomass

Cellulose, a potentially important source of sustainable raw materials, has desirable chemical, mechanical, and environmental properties.

However, separating these substances from biomass remains a challenge due to the need for toxic chemicals and high-energy specialized machinery.

The present invention is a process for isolating cellulose nanofibers from grass biomass that requires less specialized equipment in addition to the use of processing chemicals that are much cheaper and less toxic than current methods. shall be.

If you are interested in these technologies, please contact Harrison Paul, Associate Manager of Technology Marketing. We'd like to learn more about this technology, discuss the licensing process, and connect you with the inventor. See all available technologies >>




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