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New Nintendo theme park coming to Orlando, rides, lands and more revealed

New Nintendo theme park coming to Orlando, rides, lands and more revealed


Gamers of all ages will experience the vehicles and settings within Super Nintendo World for the first time. Super Nintendo World is a new themed area opening at Universal Orlando Resort next year where guests can play with Mario, Yoshi and Donkey Kong.

This is the most anticipated attraction coming to Epic Universe, a new theme park currently under construction in Orlando and scheduled to open next year. Universal already has Nintendo-themed lands at its theme parks in California and Japan, and credits the fan base with significantly increasing attendance at its parks.

Super Nintendo World is one of five lands featured in the Universal Epic Universe. Other lands within the park are dedicated to Harry Potter, How to Train Your Dragon movies, and classic monsters.

In Universal's Epic Universe, parkgoers will be able to reach the Supermarket through the classic video game's iconic green pipe emblazoned with one of Mario's many catchphrases: “Let's go!” Enter Nintendo World. [ Universal Orlando Resort ]

Each of these lands is accessed through its own portal. In a cinematic flourish, park designers have created elaborate tunnels at the entrance to the land, through which visitors exit to the other side of the themed world. The tunnels in Super Nintendo World look like the green pipes that Mario and Luigi have used to navigate the game's challenges since the early 1980s.

As guests emerge from the pipe, they're greeted with familiar sights and sounds from Nintendo consoles, from towering Mount Beanpole and majestic Peach's Castle to a swaying piranha plant that stops a Goomba in its tracks. The scenery and exciting kinetic energy surround them. and rotating coins, according to Universal's announcement Thursday.

Visitors will feel like they've been thrown in front of the game screens of their childhood, with multi-level walls filled with familiar characters from the Super Mario and Mario Kart game series.

Yoshi's Adventures makes its US debut in the Universal Epic Universe. This family-friendly ride takes you on a journey through the Mushroom Kingdom landscape with Yoshi, taking in his Super Mario Land views. [ Universal Orlando Resort ]

Two sections will appear: “Super Mario Land” and “Donkey Kong Country”. Two rides will appear in Super Mario Land.

Mario Kart: Bowser's Challenge is a real-life Mario Kart game that combines physical sets, projection mapping, and augmented reality. The rider wears a special visor, and wherever he turns his head, the video his game character is reflected in his line of sight. As you move along on your scooter, real-world sets interact with the animated computer characters in your goggles, as if you were moving through a video game. Yoshi's Adventures, making its U.S. debut in Orlando, will give guests a view of Super Mario His Land. Ride Yoshi the dinosaur and look for glowing eggs. They travel through the Mushroom Kingdom, encountering familiar characters along the way. Mario Kart: Bowser's Challenge, an attraction inspired by the spin-off racing game, will be one of the Super Nintendo World rides coming to the new Universal theme park Epic Universe. . This racing attraction combines augmented reality, projection mapping technology, and detailed environments. [ Universal Orlando Resort ]Explore Tampa Bay's sights and food

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Donkey Kong Country is located on the edge of Super Mario Land and includes a Minecart Madness ride that takes you over seemingly broken areas while immersing you in the game's tropical landscape, from waterfalls to landmarks like the Golden Temple. Tracking.

Utilizing a unique coaster design, Minecart Madness will send riders on thrilling adventures and experience amazing maneuvers similar to those demonstrated in Donkey Kong and Minecart video games, according to Universal. .

Donkey Kong Country includes a Minecart Madness ride that takes you through landmarks like waterfalls and the Golden Temple to areas immersed in the game's tropical landscape. [ Universal Orlando Resort ]

Food and goods will also be sold at Super Donkey Kong. Elsewhere in the country, Mushroom His Café offers themed cuisine, with goofy menus like Mario and Luigi-themed burgers, Super His Mushroom His Soup, and Piranha Plant Capri .

There's also a souvenir shop and a chance to meet Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, and Toad.

The Mushroom Cafe at Super Nintendo World Universal's new Epic Universe Park will offer themed cuisine. [ Universal Orlando Resort ]

And, like a similar park in Hollywood, California, this park will also sell power-up bands. The power-up band is a special extra souvenir that will enrich his day with games and makes sounds and chimes when you tap the power box with your wrist. You can also earn points. You can see your progress on public screens located at various locations and compare your points with other visitors.

The bands sell for $42 in Hollywood, and lines form to give players a chance to play games like Goomba Crazy Clank, where you tap the band to spin a crank as fast as possible to knock off a Goomba. Sometimes reservations were required.

Power-up bands allow guests to collect digital coins by holding their wristbands against blocks and playing interactive activities. They can earn digital keys to unlock surprises and experiences. [ Universal Orlando Resort ]

Anyone can participate in Bowser's Challenge at no additional cost, but only those with a wristband can save their progress and add to it with multiple visits using the Universal Theme Park app. This allows you to earn more points and enjoy more experiences.

While the Super Nintendo World surcharge may technically be optional, not paying it diminishes the experience, said Jason Cochran, editor-in-chief of travel website




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