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6th Automechanika Riyadh spotlights innovation and collaboration

6th Automechanika Riyadh spotlights innovation and collaboration


Omoda and Jaecoo unveil new energy series at Beijing Motor Show amid global media attention

Representatives from Saudi Arabia's major media organizations accompanied Mr. Omoda and Mr. Jekou to the Beijing International Automobile Exhibition, a global A-class car show currently being held at the China International Exhibition Center. His Omoda and Jaecoo, globally distinct brands, are ready to debut in Beijing with a series of heavyweight new energy products. In addition, Omodas' first pure electric model Omoda E5 and Jaecoos ​​new energy masterpieces J7 PHEV and J8 PHEV will also make their global debut, comprehensively restructuring the product ecosystem and global situation in the new energy off-road area.

Omoda and Jaecoo said that although this business model is new in Saudi Arabia, it is the most awaited one, so establishing an international subsidiary in Saudi Arabia will be a big step and will bring them to the Saudi market by the beginning of the third quarter of 2024. We plan to enter the market.

With a completely new stance of new products + new technology + new ecosystem, Omoda and Jekou will welcome the largest ever international guests to the Beijing exhibition, including national government officials, industry pioneers, and government officials. partner. They will collectively witness the brand's multidimensional breakthrough in the new energy field, especially the value revolution in the new energy offload field.

Deeply cultivate locally and actively promote the leap forward in the global off-road market

In recent years, with the emergence of new energy technologies, the global off-road market faces strategic opportunities for thorough development. Adhering to the philosophy of “From Classic, Beyond Classic”, Jaecoo has seized the opportunity of the global off-road market and broken the traditional value concept of the off-road market. Comprehensive advances in new energy offload technology have firmly established the company at the center of the stage in this era.

The appearance of such an elite group of guests at the Beijing International Automobile Exhibition accurately shows Jaecoos' global strategic layout, localized system construction, and technological sophistication in the new energy off-road field, and is one of the world's leading It resonates with the new energy automobile industry upgrading trend. Every step Jaecoo takes in the global market can be described as an endeavor of mutual benefit and joint development. Under this development mode, Jeku's international circle of friends continues to expand.

Since its global debut last April, Jaecoo has already established a comprehensive local sales and service system in several global markets, relying on its star off-road models J7 and J8.

In February of this year, Jaecoo officially entered the Mexican market and quickly established a network of over 40 dealers in all 32 states.

Jaecoos ​​practices localized development strategies and supports the upgrading of the local automotive industry to varying degrees while building its own system capabilities. With the release of new energy off-road product matrix such as J7 PHEV and J8 PHEV, Jaecoo accelerates the layout of the global new energy industry. With systematic new energy strengths and personalized new ecosystems, to jointly promote the rapidly advancing new energy vehicle industry in various countries around the world, and contribute its strengths to the high-quality development of the global new energy sector. We are aiming for

Expand investment in off-road new energy and promote global sustainable development with green technology

Against the backdrop of deepening global sustainable development, major companies around the world are shifting gears and accelerating into the new energy era, expressing their opinions and searching for the keys to the next era.

So why do so many overseas guests choose Jekou? The central reason is Jekou's reliability. After 27 years of technology accumulation, Jaecoos' parent company has built an R&D team of over 20,000 people, established 8 major R&D centers around the world, and has established a certain level of technology in the field of hybrid and pure electric new energy technology. achieved a breakthrough.

Supported by the parent company's mature and rich R&D and manufacturing capabilities and strong industrial chain integration capabilities, Jaecoo has built an effective off-road product technology ecosystem. Always promoting technological innovation, focusing on new energy offload + intelligent direction, and deeply focusing on the needs of global users. With global standards and quality, we comprehensively break the traditional values ​​of the off-road market.

At the Beijing International Automobile Exhibition, Jaecoo will highlight the exhibition theme of new energy, new eco and new era by displaying off-road new energy capabilities. The introduction of new heavy-duty hybrid vehicles, the J7 PHEV and J8 PHEV, aims to provide users around the world with a smarter, more efficient and safer off-road travel experience and is an off-road new energy vehicle. This is a prologue to Jaecoos' journey in.

In particular, the exhibition will also feature a mystery guest, who will take the stage with Jeku's off-road new energy family and join an ensemble of international guests to witness the dawn of a new era of off-road travel.




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