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Comment: Innovation and policy collaboration to reduce air travel pollution

Comment: Innovation and policy collaboration to reduce air travel pollution


By Jay Inslee and Fred Krupp / For the Herald

If the air travel industry were a country, its emissions would be second only to six other countries. And airlines plan to add tens of thousands of new planes over the next 20 years. Cleaner flight is therefore an essential step towards a safe and stable future.

Washington state, a long-time aviation industry leader and high-tech hub, is showing how to do just that with sustainable aviation fuels.

The challenge is that not all “sustainable aviation fuels” are actually sustainable. Some do not actually reduce pollution, while others cause deforestation and other harm. So finding the right solution will be one of the great science and policy victories of the 21st century.

The good news is that cleaner fuels can be produced from a variety of sources, including used cooking oil and forest residue. Synthetic e-fuels are also made from renewable electricity, water, and carbon dioxide. With the right incentives, innovators and entrepreneurs are well-positioned to meet this challenge.

In central Washington, a startup called Twelve plans to start making e-fuels at its Moses Lake plant. Electronic fuel is produced by recovering carbon dioxide from organic materials that would otherwise be disposed of. Alaska Airlines will soon offer flights powered by Twelve e-fuel, which has an approximately 90% lower carbon footprint, and Microsoft is offering business travelers bookings on these flights powered by Twelve e-fuel. start. Last year, a 40-passenger regional airliner powered by an innovative hydrogen fuel cell engine developed by Universal Hydrogen took off from Everett's Paine Field.

In April of this year, with support from the state Department of Commerce, a company called ZeroAvia with a facility in Everett opened a remarkable new manufacturing facility for hydrogen-powered drivetrains. At the same airfield where the test flight took place, ZeroAvia is developing a cutting-edge electric propulsion system that generates electricity from hydrogen fuel, creating new aerospace jobs. The new engine will be retrofitted with a dash of 76 seats, creating the world's largest zero-emission, hydrogen-powered aircraft.

Landmark investments like this can happen when policymakers work across party lines and partner with scientists, workers, and industry to help innovators grow. Building on strong policy incentives from the state's Clean Fuels Standard, the Washington State Legislature last year adopted new tax incentives to encourage businesses to invest in sustainable fuels and streamline the permitting process for clean energy projects. did. Lawmakers also established a Sustainable Aviation Fuels Research and Development Center at Paine Field and are building partnerships around the world.

This type of leadership is sparking renewed interest in Washington State from aviation fuel innovators around the world. It's no coincidence that just days after these laws were passed, the Dutch company SkyNRG announced it would build a new $800 million sustainable aviation refinery in the state. The plant will produce 30 million gallons of clean fuel per year, create hundreds of jobs and be a major investment in the local economy.

Ambitious innovation in Washington state can and should be aligned with ambitious innovation in Washington, DC. Policymakers just this week released guidance on how to award innovative tax credits created as part of President Biden's Inflation Control Act of 2022.

To be eligible for taxpayer support, fuels must meet strict environmental and labor standards, scale up to promising new technologies like those being developed in Washington, and be cleaner and more innovative. provides an opportunity to drive the market towards more sustainable fuels. Now is the time to support high-quality fuels that reduce pollution, avoid deforestation and high food prices.

The climate change clock is ticking, but cleaner aviation fuels still have the potential to make a big difference. With the right blend of policy leadership and private sector innovation, the Moses Lake and Paine Field airstrips will become our new Kitty Hawk, opening the door to unimaginable opportunities for a new generation and creating world-class It will likely chart Washington's path to a leadership position.

Jay Inslee is the governor of Washington state. Fred Krupp is president of the Environmental Defense Fund, a national nonprofit environmental advocacy organization.




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