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Chimcomplex invests in innovative green technology

Chimcomplex invests in innovative green technology


An investment project in innovative green technology to produce new environmentally friendly polyols has been completed at Chimcomplex.

The Romanian Chincomplex SA Borzesti, headquartered in Onesti, Bacau, completed the above project on April 30, 2024. This project was carried out at his Rm Valcea factory. It was co-financed through the Business Development, Innovation and Small and Medium Enterprises Program under contract number 2021/331014, with Innovation Norway acting as the program operator.

The total eligible amount for the project is €2,431,000 and the non-repayable financial aid is €1,215,000.

The overall aim of the project is to make Chimcomplex's production processes environmentally friendly and to adapt the company's activities to the principles of circular economy.

Investing in innovative technology for environmentally friendly polyol production was the next necessary step after one of Europe's most modern polyol plants became operational in 2022. His 40 million euro investment increased the company's production capacity to more than 187,000 tons per year.

Manufactured using new technology, these innovative green polyols replace the petrochemical components of traditional polyols with less polluting alternatives and natural oils such as castor oil, soybean oil, and palm oil. Further down the production chain, these green polyols are used to create soft foams for pillows, mattresses and other auto parts.

Big impact from investment

The new production line will allow Chimcomplex to increase specialty polyols by adding 17,000 tons per year to its existing production capacity. After testing by customers, these new polyols will go into serial production, significantly reducing the environmental impact due to the technology and nature of the raw materials used in their production.

Replacing traditional polyols with new specialized types reduces CO2 emissions by up to 3,400 tons per year.

Expanding your portfolio will improve your company's competitiveness.

The new facility will give the company greater ability to adapt to customized product needs for individual customers. Product design is done in collaboration with the customer and the formulation is tailored based on the customer's requirements.

Current and prospective customers can purchase new Made in Rm. Valcea polyols reduce the carbon footprint of the final product and label it as environmentally friendly.

This new investment was completed at Rm. The Valcea factory reflects the company's commitment to sustainability, innovation and development. We would like to thank Innovation Norway for supporting the project. Over the past five years, his Chimcomplex experts at the Advanced Polyol Research and Development Center have been creating new types of polyols. These polyols are now rapidly tested and widely used by customers. Fine chemicals bring value to Romania as a whole and to consumers in particular. We all want safer and healthier products for daily use. Project manager Amalia Ionescu says they can rely on the expertise of chemists to find solutions to environmental problems and develop technologies that reduce negative impacts on the planet.

The project was carried out in partnership with International Development Norway, a Norwegian organization with over 20 years of experience in international projects focused on eco-business best practices.

About chimu complex

Chimcomplex is a leading manufacturer and supplier of critical chemicals in the region, specializing in polyols, chlor-alkali and oxo alcohols. The company is a strategic company in the Romanian economy and is the largest chemical plant with two industrial platforms in Onesti and Ramnicu Valcea. Chimcomplex is a company with nearly 70 years of tradition in developing quality products for a better life and a sustainable future. In 2023 Chimcomplex he recorded a turnover of 1.339 million lei.




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