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Sheikh Hamdan opens Dubai AI Campus cluster at DIFC Innovation Hub

Sheikh Hamdan opens Dubai AI Campus cluster at DIFC Innovation Hub


The move is part of the first phase of the DUB.AI program launched to accelerate AI adoption across key sectors.

Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai, Chairman of Dubai Executive Council and Chairman of the High Committee for Future Technologies and Digital Economy, will be visiting the Innovation Hub at Dubai International Financial Center. We have opened the Dubai AI Campus Cluster. (DIFC).

The move is part of the first phase of the annual Dubai Universal Blueprint for Artificial Intelligence (DUB.AI), which was recently launched with the aim of accelerating AI adoption across all relevant sectors. It was launched with the aim of building an optimal nurturing ecosystem for AI businesses and talent. Drive AI innovation.

Sheikh Hamdan said Dubai has launched a strategic plan aimed at accelerating the adoption of AI and its applications in all sectors, in line with the vision and directives of Vice President and Prime Minister Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum. He said it continues to rise. The UAE and Dubai rulers aim to establish Dubai as a global hub for the digital economy and a preferred destination for leading AI businesses and top talent from around the world.

Our efforts continue to exploit the great potential of advanced technology. DIFC's Dubai AI Campus is an important step towards achieving the goal of doubling economic growth and increasing AI's contribution to Dubai and the UAE's GDP. We are confident that this campus will become an important addition to Dubai's economy by hosting hundreds of companies and providing thousands of jobs in the coming years, furthering Dubai's position as a favorite destination for technology companies. He said he was confident that it would be strengthened.

We prioritize Dubai's competitiveness and leadership position as a hub of the digital economy in every project and program we launch, in line with the goals of the Dubai Economic Agenda (D33). Today, we are steadily moving towards a new era of leadership and sustainable growth for Dubai's economy, based on knowledge, innovation and future technology applications. He added that Dubai will continue to be at the vanguard of economic prosperity, both regionally and globally, and the preferred choice of innovative minds.

Top AI development destination in the region

Announced in 2023, the Dubai AI Campus will be the MENA region's largest dedicated AI and advanced technology cluster. The launch will help advance D33's goals, including generating an average of Dh100 billion annually for Dubai's economy through digital transformation.

The new campus is also in line with Dubai's vision to emerge as a destination of choice among technology companies, driving its contribution to innovation and technology integration across all sectors. AI is expected to contribute $230 billion to the Middle East economy by 2030 and account for 14% of the UAE's GDP by 2030.

The inauguration ceremony was attended by Omar bin Sultan Al Olama, Minister of State for Artificial Intelligence, Digital Economy and Remote Work Applications. Essa Kazim, Governor of Dubai International Financial Center. Mr. Arif Amiri, CEO of DIFC Authority.

Phase 1 completed

The Dubai AI Campus Cluster will be part of the DIFC Innovation Hub, which will provide dedicated co-working spaces for technology startups, including AI businesses. The first phase of the campus has already been completed, with more than 75 businesses registered on the 10,000 square foot campus. The second phase of the campus will span more than 100,000 square feet and is expected to attract more than 500 companies and create more than 3,000 jobs by 2028.

The opening of the Dubai AI Campus is part of the first phase of the annual Dubai Universal Blueprint for Artificial Intelligence (DUB.AI) and reinforces Dubai's status as a global hub for accelerating the adoption of advanced technologies. (Essa Kazim) said.

Through Dubai and the DIFC's innovative structure, startups have direct access to investors, investment funds, large corporations and traditional financial institutions. This will ensure that high-potential companies receive the funding they need to achieve their goals, he added.

The Dubai AI Campus will help accelerate the goals of the DIFC 2030 strategy, which aims to further strengthen the growing fintech and innovation ecosystem, Arif Amiri said.

This cluster also cements DIFC's position as the largest incubator of the financial sector across the MEASA region, where we work with regional players to simplify and expand their businesses through AI. He added that he looks forward to helping them do so.

technology partnership

The Dubai AI Campus will foster multinational technology partnerships with leading technology companies such as Amazon Web Services, HP, Microsoft, Oracle, and Nvidia. These companies will join the cluster as key partners, further underscoring its dynamic nature and home to the first innovation lab. We collaborate with du to provide AI solutions for small and medium-sized enterprises in the UAE.

In addition, the cluster offers advanced computing capabilities, including the DGX platform, and a cutting-edge business accelerator program that accelerates the implementation of AI applications in the private sector.

unique license

Dubai AI Campus offers unique AI licenses specifically designed to meet the requirements of next-generation AI-dependent businesses. This license utilizes the independent legal framework of the DIFC.

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