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World Conference on Innovation and Technology to be held in Yerevan announces Armenia as new technology hub for global game changers – Armenia Public Radio

World Conference on Innovation and Technology to be held in Yerevan announces Armenia as new technology hub for global game changers – Armenia Public Radio


The Union of Advanced Technology Enterprises of Armenia (UATE) announced that the World Conference on Innovation and Technology (WCIT) 2024 will be held in Yerevan from October 4 to 7, 2024.

Under the heading “THE POWER OF MIND: AI Beyond Limits, Within Ethics”, WCIT 2024/DigiTec will feature a high-level conference program, B2B meetings, WITSA World Cup for Scale-Up (WWC), Innovation Showcase, Business Presentations, workshops and more.

This year, UATE will host WCIT 2024 in Armenia in a high-level partnership with DigiTec, the region's largest annual event dedicated to innovation and technology.

The cooperation between WCIT 2024 and DigiTec demonstrates a high-level partnership, highlighted by the co-branding of the event, and symbolizes a comprehensive approach to the power of the mind, especially Armenian human power.

WCIT 2024/DigiTec Congress serves as a global platform to expand the impact of information technology, highlighting the importance of applied science, investment, and presence across diverse regions and economies. As a prominent technology hub in the region, Armenia has seen a rapid increase in global technology companies setting up research and development (R&D) offices and branches in recent years.

This conference will lead to many companies discovering the opportunity and potential to establish scientific research centers. Furthermore, the conference will highlight the vital role that applied science plays in promoting the socio-economic development of the region through innovation and technological solutions, as well as the future and advances in technology, especially in the field of AI and affected areas. We aim to introduce.

“The Republic of Armenia has announced the high-tech and ICT sector as a preliminary direction for the economic development of the country. WCIT2024/DigiTec also highlights Armenia's important role in the global technological map, as it highlights new opportunities for the world. I think it will be a new platform for cooperation with international partners,” Armenian Minister of High-Tech Industry Mkhitar Khairapetian said at a press conference today.

The Minister assured that the government would support the organizing committee to organize a prestigious event within its responsibilities and powers.

Armenia has firmly established itself as a technology hub on the global technology map. WCIT 2024/DigiTec will highlight Armenia's technological capabilities to leading companies in the sector and encourage them to cooperate in academic research projects, establish branches and develop business centers within its borders.

We are proud to host WCIT 2024/DigiTec as Armenia is home to the tech unicorn PicsArt and many successful startups such as Renderforest and Krisp.

Government policies such as tax incentives and research and development funding support Armenia's technology sector. These policies further promote innovation and attract international companies such as Synopsys, Siemens, Adobe, and Nvidia to establish R&D centers.

We are honored to host and represent WCIT 2024/DigiTec in Armenia. Our country is being considered as a new tech hub and we will be sharing all this innovative experience and expertise we have locally with our guests and participants. We are also proud to announce that for WCIT 2024, we will be partnering with DigiTec, the region's largest technology and innovation event. DigiTec hosts thousands of technology companies from Armenia and abroad. WCIT2024//DigiTec Organizing Committee

The conference offers a comprehensive agenda that caters to a diverse range of stakeholders and attracts thousands of local and international delegates. Through interactive sessions and exclusive panel discussions, attendees will have access to the latest global ICT innovations, best practices and cutting-edge solutions.

WCIT is a conference that shapes the future of innovation and technology, and as a new technology hub, Armenia is the perfect place to host such a fascinating event. I am sure that both Armenia and WCIT will benefit from this cooperation and the event will be great. This will have a significant impact on the future enhancement and promotion of technology around the world, said Alexander Yesayan, Chairman of the Union of Advanced Technology Enterprises (UATE).

Participants will have a platform to network and showcase their investment projects and ideas, paving the way for mutually beneficial partnerships with international organizations and promoting sustained technological leadership and innovation. All attendees will have the opportunity to establish future cooperation with Armenian and international partners.

“WITSA has high expectations for this year’s event. Armenia’s stature in the global technology scene, coupled with the success of hosting WCIT in 2019, makes it the perfect venue for these important discussions. Armenia is emerging as a hub for startups and technology companies in Central Asia and Eastern Europe.Although Armenia's technology ecosystem is still relatively young, it is rapidly growing. has the potential to become a major player in the global technology scene,” said Dr. Sean Shea Dato, Chairman of the World Innovation, Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA).

Key highlights of WCIT 2024/DigiTec include an opening ceremony with breathtaking technology solutions, engaging presentations from international and local industry leaders, and extensive opportunities for informal networking.

In 2024, the World Council for Innovation and Technology (WCIT) and DigiTec will showcase the technological potential of Armenia and the region to the international community, as well as provide a platform for local organizations to showcase their achievements in this field.

This year's World Innovation and Technology Conference will focus on artificial intelligence (AI) and its social impact, ethics, and future.

Experts from various fields will gather to discuss ethical innovations with global implications, human-machine collaboration, and AI regulation under the theme of “Ethics, Society, and Governance.”

Additionally, a session on “Green AI” explores green AI solutions that enable sustainability, and a discussion on “AI in Social Media and Marketing” explores how to reach marginalized consumers and We will work to improve marketing efficiency.

Another highlight includes “The Female Grace of AI,” which advocates for gender equality and economic empowerment in the digital realm. Additionally, sessions will explore the role of AI in crisis response, transformative opportunities in digital innovation, and challenges and best practices shaping the future of AI, featuring key industry figures in panel discussions.

A dedicated platform will be allocated for the management and application of AI across various private and public domains.

WCIT 2024/DigTec is organized in partnership with the Government of the Republic of Armenia, represented by the Ministry of High-Tech Industry.




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