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Developers plan to transform old medical school into health tech innovation hub

Developers plan to transform old medical school into health tech innovation hub


Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust has confirmed that Scarborough Group International (SGI) has been selected as the developer to transform the historic former medical school into a hub for medical innovation.

The proposed agreement to acquire and refurbish the Grade II* listed building marks the first stage in the delivery of the Innovation Village, a world-class cluster of science, innovation and technology surrounding the new hospital development at Leeds General Hospital. represents.

The Innovation Village project involves more than 2.2 million square feet of development which will create up to 4,000 new jobs, more than 500 homes and deliver a $13 billion economic boost to West Yorkshire.

As part of the proposal, SGI will build a health tech ecosystem at the former medical school, fostering collaboration between clinicians, academics, researchers, and entrepreneurs, and supporting startups and scale-ups to grow and become future leaders. We have launched a plan to support change. of health care.

SGI's vision includes maintaining the Tudor Gothic style of the Old Medical School while implementing modern enhancements to provide a dynamic and functional workspace.

These include laboratories, co-working spaces, offices and common areas, as well as a new atrium in the courtyard.

Completed in 1894, the original red brick building was designed by Leeds architect WH Thorpe as one of the first provincial medical schools in the UK.

The building currently houses the Trust's Pathology Department, which is scheduled to relocate to the Clinical Laboratory Center at St James's University Hospital.

The West Yorkshire Combined Authority has provisionally identified the Old Medical School as a major project to benefit from the 160 million meter West Yorkshire Investment Zone. The project is expected to create 237 jobs.

Dame Linda Pollard, Chair of Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, said: “We are delighted to announce Scarborough Group International as the preferred developer and partner for The Old Medical School.”

Together, we will build a healthtech innovation hub that helps clinicians, researchers and entrepreneurs translate the latest scientific advances into new products and services that improve health outcomes and drive economic growth.

Mark Jackson, Group Development Director at SGI, said: “By creating a dynamic environment where clinicians, academics, researchers, and entrepreneurs can collaborate, innovate, and grow, we are driving the development of breakthrough technologies and solutions and quickly translating them into the broader healthcare sector.” We look forward to integrating our services to benefit patients and advance the frontiers of medical innovation.”

Investment Minister Dominic Johnson said: The UK continues to consolidate its position on the world stage as a leader in science and technology.

This exciting project will leverage the UK's strengths in the life sciences sector and drive economic growth and innovative healthcare as part of the West Yorkshire Investment Region.

West Yorkshire Mayor Tracy Brabin said: “Our multi-million pound investment zone will help transform the Old Medical School into a global center of innovation as we bring together universities, businesses and hospitals to drive life-changing medical developments. We leverage technology to deliver thousands of skilled jobs and change the lives of patients around the world. ”

Tom Riordan, chief executive of Leeds City Council, added: “The new hospital will be at the vanguard of innovation, accelerating our work to date and inspiring innovation that will have a measurable impact towards a healthier, greener and more inclusive future for all.” will realize its vision.”

“This project further strengthens Leeds’ position as a health tech hub and is a great example of how Leeds continues to consistently deliver and deliver large-scale projects through public and private sector partnerships.”

Property advisors Fox Lloyd Jones advised Leeds Teaching Hospitals during the marketing process for the Old Medical School.

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