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DVIDS – News – Naval Postgraduate School and Qualcomm Support Student Ideas and Wireless Innovation

DVIDS – News – Naval Postgraduate School and Qualcomm Support Student Ideas and Wireless Innovation


The advent of autonomous vehicles and drones is driving demand for communications technologies capable of moving large amounts of data at the necessary speeds, but traditional communications systems are struggling to keep up with the evolving context of modern military operations. At the same time, U.S. service members operate in highly contested, distributed environments that require agile and innovative application of technology in the face of multi-domain threats.

These are the types of challenges that Lieutenant Alexander Evans of the U.S. Navy, a student at the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS), and Capt. Brian Allen of the U.S. Marine Corps, an NPS alumnus, are trying to solve through their research. Utilizing a Limited Purpose Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (LP-CRADA) between NPS and Qualcomm Technologies, Evans and Allen collaborated with NPS faculty and Qualcomm Technologies engineers to explore applications of 5G technology and develop innovative solutions for the fleet and Fleet Marines.

Evans, who is scheduled to graduate in September 2024, is investigating the feasibility of 5G slicing for multi-ship communications to significantly enhance Navy tactical communications and demonstrate the benefits of faster data transmission and improved coordination between Navy ships during complex operations.

“I believe that facilitating student engagement in industry partnerships like Qualcomm greatly enhances the learning experience at NPS. We need to work harder to strengthen the Department of Defense's connections with industry. Working with Qualcomm has given me that,” Evans said. This partnership has allowed me to advocate for and implement 5G technology in ways that had not been considered in the Navy before. This collaboration has not only helped me address specific communications challenges, but has also exposed me to the suite of solutions Qualcomm can provide to support these efforts.

Allen, who graduated from NPS in March 2024 with a master's degree in computer science, led research aimed at harnessing 5G's scalability and adapting it for military use. His goal is to integrate 5G into tactical military networks in a phased approach. By deploying 5G capabilities, the military can streamline communications systems, reduce setup time, and quickly adapt to changing operational requirements.

Through the partnership with Qualcomm, Allen said he has experienced first-hand the invaluable support from industry in advancing research at the Naval Postgraduate School. Their unprecedented commitment to providing resources and guidance not only advances my thesis, but also highlights the important role of industry-academia collaboration in driving innovation for future warriors and scholars. Masu.

For both research efforts, Qualcomm Technologies provided 5G equipment and technical support to facilitate development and experimentation and enable continued research by NPS faculty and students.

Allen said that with equipment and support provided by Qualcomm Technologies, his network has since supported the thesis research projects of two more master’s students and contributed to their modeling and simulation coursework at NPS’s MOVES Institute.

Officially established in February 2023, the continuing relationship between NPS and Qualcomm Technologies addresses Department of Defense (DOD) concerns at the speed of commercial technology and research to develop a technology-enabled workforce tailored to its needs. and were important to innovation efforts. Department of Defense.

Under LP-CRADA, NPS faculty and students are conducting research into 5G wireless communications, artificial intelligence, hardware development platforms and related technologies, as well as developing adoption concepts for military applications and operations.

Darren Rogers, a research faculty member in the NPS Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, is looking at 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) standards that provide the foundation for the development of new technologies.

Rogers said Qualcomm has been in wireless technology since the beginning and continues to lead the direction of wireless technology and trends. They are involved in the 3GPP process, so it's great for NPS to have access and insight into how the process works.

Qualcomm Technologies has also partnered with NPS to provide monthly presentations, technical support for technology and equipment loaned to NPS, and access to the Qualcomm Wireless Academy to give NPS students and faculty access to commercial training on cutting-edge wireless technologies.

NPS's partnerships with industry leaders are critical to bridging the gap between research and development and the operational deployment of technologies within military systems. For example, Qualcomm Technologies already powers large networks at home and abroad, enhancing broad implementation capabilities. This capability is further strengthened by collaborations with other industry, academic, and government networks to support the expansion and adoption of new technologies. These collaborative efforts, supported by NPS's ability to explore opportunities with Department of Defense offices, advance our ability to effectively integrate and leverage these technologies into military operations.

One such relationship, made possible in part through the Qualcomm Technologies partnership with NPS, is through the FutureG Office, an organization within the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Technology (OUSD (R&E)). The FutureG Office will work with NPS over the next five years to establish a planned approach to DoD active-duty and civilian graduate education focused on FutureG technologies, including DoD applications, network services, and edge computing.

In addition to supporting specific NPS research initiatives with technology and talent, Qualcomm Technologies provided facilities in 2023 to outfit the future NPS Emerging Technology Innovation Lab. The lab is a collaborative space for NPS faculty and students, as well as NPS industry partners, to engage in demonstrations, mentoring, testing, research and learn. The space will support collaborative research and technology transfer, made possible through the collaboration of NPS's Naval Innovation Center.

“Qualcomm is honored to work with NPS's talented faculty, staff, and students to apply commercial technology to complex problems,” said Kim Koro, senior vice president and general manager of Qualcomm Government Technologies. Ta. These current and future DoD leaders bring insight into these challenges and apply the value of commercial capabilities like no other. As a global leader in wireless technology, we are honored to have the opportunity to make a positive impact on these challenges and collaborate with this world-class institution.

In February 2024, one year after the founding of LP-CRADA, NPS leadership visited Qualcomm Technologies headquarters in San Diego to discuss a variety of topics with Qualcomm Technologies, from on-device AI to autonomy; We also explored future collaborative research opportunities and information exchange between other departments at NPS.

Rogers added that Qualcomm is thinking ahead about where wireless technology is going and has a roadmap to support research and innovation along the way. It is of utmost importance to understand how both Qualcomm and his NPS prepare for what the future will bring to both the industry and the Department of Defense.

A Limited Purpose Collaborative Research and Development Agreement (LP-CRADA) does not constitute an endorsement of Qualcomm Technologies or its products and services by the Naval Postgraduate School, Department of the Navy, or Department of Defense.

Photographed on: May 22, 2024 Posted on: May 22, 2024 16:12 Story ID: 472039 Location: Monterey, California, USA Number of web views: 10 Number of downloads: 0 Public domain




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