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A Southern California middle school student's graffiti could end up on Google's homepage

A Southern California middle school student's graffiti could end up on Google's homepage


An Orange County middle school student has been selected to represent California in the annual Doodle for Google competition.

Every year, hundreds of students across the United States submit their new interpretations of the famous Google typeface in the hopes of their work being featured on the search engine's homepage.

The contest is open to students in kindergarten through 12th grade from all 50 states, Puerto Rico, the District of Columbia, the Freely Associated Territories and U.S. military bases.

Entries will ultimately be narrowed down to a top 55, with one artist representing each state or region. Regional winners will be split into five categories based on age and grade level, with one winner chosen from each category, followed by an overall winner.

Doodles will be judged on artistic merit, creativity and how well the artist communicates the theme.

Yanuo Lee, of Laguna Niguel, a student at the Western California Academy of Art and Design in San Gabriel, was selected to represent California and will compete in the 6th-7th grade division.

This year, Google celebrated its 25th anniversary, and artists were asked to communicate their hopes for the next 25 years through their artwork. Some artists depicted safer communities, a cleaner planet, or even technological innovation.

Li opted for a personal interpretation of the prompt.

“My wish for the next 25 years is for families to laugh more, watch more sunsets, eat dinners together, stay together, and no one to die alone,” Lee wrote. “In this painting I portray a family that loves each other, a family that would risk their lives for each other, a family that supports each other, a family that puts up with the shortcomings of others.”

Created by West California Academy of Art and Design student Yannuo Li, this piece was selected to represent California in the 2024 Doodle for Google competition. Loving (Courtesy of Google)

Currently, 55 regional and state winners have been selected, and voting is underway to determine the five finalists and ultimate winner.

Lee has already received a message from Google and some products in recognition of being selected as the California state winner, and the top five finalists will each receive a $5,000 scholarship.

The national winner will receive all of this, plus a $55,000 college scholarship, $50,000 worth of equipment and technology packages for their school or organization, a personal trophy, and of course, the chance to see their work on the front page of the world's most popular search engine.

To see the full list of regional winners and vote for your favorite, click here.

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