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Big tech executives say new European AI laws could hurt innovation

Big tech executives say new European AI laws could hurt innovation


LONDON (CNN) — Executives from Amazon and Meta told CNN this week that some concerns about artificial intelligence are overblown and that new AI regulations from the European Union could stifle innovation.

The EU gave the AI ​​bill the final go-ahead on Tuesday, the same week that tech industry leaders gathered in Paris for the annual VivaTech conference.

This first-of-its-kind law will reshape how European companies and other organizations use AI in everything from medical decisions to policing. It will impose a blanket ban on using the technology in ways that are deemed unacceptable, such as social scoring.

The regulation imposes new disclosure obligations on large AI companies, requiring greater transparency around uses of AI that are deemed higher risk, such as in education and employment.

For Yann LeCun, head of AI at Metas (META), the big question about the new law is: should AI research and development be regulated?

“The EU's AI law and various other laws have provisions that restrict research and development. I don't think that's a good idea,” he told CNN's Anna Stewart at an event in Paris.

LeCun, widely considered one of the godfathers of AI, disagrees with fears that AI might soon surpass human intelligence.

“I don't think it's close. And frankly, I don't think it's particularly dangerous today,” he said.

AI systems may become even smarter in the future, but they will be designed with appropriate safeguards in place, he added.

But figuring out how to make future superintelligent AI systems safe today is like asking how to make jet transport safe in 1925 — and jet transport hadn't even been invented yet, he said.

Amazon (AMZN) Chief Technology Officer Werner Vogels reiterated concerns that AI regulation could stifle innovation in some areas.

When thinking about risks, regulators should consider the applications of new technology to healthcare or financial services, for example, apart from its use in summarizing meetings, he told Stewart.

“I think there are a wide range of areas where the risk is minimal and you can drive innovation. In other areas where mistakes can have a big impact on people's lives, you need to do risk management specific to that area,” he said.

Vogels stressed that Amazon welcomes regulation and is aligned with regulators on its overall goals, but warned the EU against over-regulating AI, citing the EU's flagship data privacy law, known as GDPR, which has been described as a very thick tome.

“Let's make the regulatory requirements that we put in place practical for all European companies, not just the biggest ones,” he said.

“We need to make sure that innovation continues to happen and that it doesn't just come from outside Europe. Europe already has a long history of underinvestment in research and development,” he added.

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