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Walmart's Memorial Day Sale: Best Laptop Deals Right Now

Walmart's Memorial Day Sale: Best Laptop Deals Right Now



Head over to Walmart during the Memorial Day Sale to take advantage of limited-time deals on popular entry-level to mid-range Windows laptops and Chromebooks. With over 300 laptop deals to choose from, we've narrowed it down to the top 5 to make your shopping easier. Then head to your summer BBQ party.

For further help in choosing the best laptop, check out our articles on the 6 Best Laptops Under $500, 5 Best Laptops of 2024, 6 Best Laptops Under $1,000, 6 Best Gaming Laptops of 2024, 5 Best Laptops for College in 2024, 5 Best Chromebooks of 2024, and 5 Best Budget Laptops of 2024.

Check out the laptops currently on sale at Walmart

Our team of tech experts has compiled a list of the top laptops currently on sale at Walmart.

Lenovo LOQ 15″ Gaming Laptop: $699 (Save $136) Walmart

If you're a serious gamer, it's easy to spend over $3,000 on a high-performance laptop, but for more casual gamers, there are plenty of great options available for under $900. These low-end laptops are suitable for most online games and titles that don't require a super-powerful CPU or GPU.

The Lenovo LOQ features a 15.6″ Full HD display with a 144Hz refresh rate, making it especially suitable for casual gamers. It's powered by an Intel Core i5-1320H processor and a GeForce GTX 3050 GPU. It also comes with 16GB of RAM, 512GB of internal storage, and Windows 11 pre-installed.

This laptop has a battery life of up to 7 hours. It weighs 5.28 lbs. Walmart's Memorial Day Sale has you covered with this beautiful laptop for just $699, $136 off the regular price of $835.

Acer Aspire 3: $359 (save $140) Walmart

This is an entry-level Windows 11 laptop. It's far from cutting edge, but it has the computing power you need to handle everyday tasks like web surfing, email, online shopping, and streaming music and videos. The computer is configured with a 15.6-inch display (1080p resolution) and is powered by an AMD Ryzen 7-5700 processor with integrated Radeon Graphics. It also comes with 16GB RAM and 152GB SSD for internal storage.

This laptop is perfect for users who primarily use online-based applications and data storage (such as Microsoft OneDrive). We like that the computer weighs just 3.92 pounds. However, the battery life is only about 6.5 hours.

One of the most attractive things about the Acer Aspire 3 is its price: It's currently available at Walmart for just $359, a saving of $140.

HP Stream 14: $199 (Save $30) Walmart

If you're looking for an entry-level Windows laptop for someone who mainly needs to run cloud-based applications, store data online, and handle the most basic computing tasks, you'll be pleased with the low price of the HP Stream 14. It's currently priced at just $199 at Walmart.

It's not a great gaming device, nor does it have the processing power for video editing, but it will handle email, web surfing, streaming music and videos, video calling, word processing, etc. The HP Stream 14 has a compact design with a 14-inch display.

The HP Stream 14 is powered by a low-end Intel Celeron N4102 processor. It has 4GB RAM and 64GB internal storage. As a bonus, it comes with a free 12-month subscription to Microsoft 365, giving you easy access to popular Microsoft applications like Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and Outlook. It has a battery life of up to 11 hours.

Acer Nitro 5 Gaming Laptop: $899 (Save $100) Walmart

For casual to moderate gamers, this Acer Nitro 5 gaming laptop is a good option, especially since it is currently on sale for $899. The computer is configured with a 15.6-inch Full HD display that offers a fast refresh rate of 144Hz. It is also powered by an Intel Core i7-12650H processor with NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4050 GPU. It is bundled with 16GB of RAM and an impressively sized 1TB SSD for online storage.

This configuration provides enough computing power to play many popular online games and locally installed Windows games. Weighing 5.51 pounds, this laptop offers up to 8 hours of battery life.

However, the Acer Nitro 5 is not just a gaming laptop. It can easily be used for content creation, photo editing, streaming videos, and more. One feature that gamers will appreciate, however, is the customizable 4-zone RGB keyboard. Additionally, the computer's stereo speakers support 3D audio with DTS:X.

This computer is a great deal for the sale price, so take advantage of this opportunity while it's still available.

HP Chromebook X360: $279 (save $120) Walmart

The new Chromebook Plus laptops run a version of ChromeOS that's beefed up with more advanced hardware and literally enhanced with artificial intelligence capabilities powered by Google Gemini. And best of all, the new Chromebook Plus laptops are all priced under $900.

However, not everyone needs all the power that the Chromebook Plus has to offer. A traditional Chromebook lacks some of the AI-based features and uses somewhat lower-performance hardware, but it can easily run any kind of cloud application and use cloud services (such as Google Drive) to store your data, documents, files, and photos online.

The HP Chromebook X360 is a great “entry level” Chromebook, and it's on sale now at Walmart for just $279. It has a compact 2-in-1 design and a 14-inch full HD touchscreen display, meaning you can use it as both a tablet and a laptop. It runs on the Intel N100 processor and has 4G of RAM and 64GB of internal storage, which is more than enough for a Chromebook.

Like other Chromebooks, this model runs ChromeOS (designed by Google) and comes with a variety of Google apps and services pre-installed, including Gmail, Chrome, YouTube, Google Maps, Google Docs, etc. One great feature of Chromebooks such as the X360 is that it boots up in under 10 seconds and has a battery life of up to 11 hours, but it requires a constant high-speed internet connection to function fully.

Lenovo 13-inch ThinkPad 2-in-1: $1,904 (save $1,025) Walmart

Falling into the mid-price, mid-performance category, the Lenovo 13-inch ThinkPad is a versatile 2-in-1 laptop with Windows 11 Pro. It can be used as both a Windows tablet and a laptop. The device itself is lightweight and compact. Under the hood, you'll find an Intel Core Ultra 7-165U processor, 16GB of RAM, and a generous 1TB of internal storage.

We like that this ThinkPad weighs just 2.65 pounds and has a touchscreen display (with a resolution of 1,920 x 1,200 pixels), making it capable of handling all your everyday computing tasks, plus lots of other features.

Of course, this computer also comes equipped with a webcam, multiple USB ports, and an HDMI port. Head over to Walmart now to save $1,025 on this laptop. For a limited time, you can get it for just $1,904.

Whatever you're buying over the Memorial Day holiday, make sure to check out all the latest sales and deals — you might just save yourself some big bucks!

Jason R. Rich




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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